Thanks so much for this one, Mastress Alita! Tealyra sometimes has a high turnover rate for teas….but this one is still available on their website. I’m just happy they keep a few of my favorites around. This one seems like a unique blend I haven’t seen being sold anywhere else. The ingredients: Pumpkin cubes, apple pieces, cinnamon pieces, ginger cubes, turmeric root, cinnamon rods, cloves, whole cardamom, pink pepper, natural flavoring. There was a HUGE pumpkin sliver that went into the infuser. The blend already gets points for that. I don’t think I’m a fan of turmeric and there was definitely a hit of turmeric at least at the top of the first steep. The turmeric must have floated to the top. Otherwise, the resulting flavor is a mix of the other ingredients to create a mild pumpkin pie flavor. Nothing in the blend is really standing out, it’s pretty equally represented. But I’m wishing for more flavor here. With that big pumpkin piece, I certainly expected more flavor. It’s one of those herbal blend situations where the weight of the ingredients (and the price) takes into consideration the amount of flavor that results. But maybe this one just needs two whole teaspoons to brew up a decent cup. Next time will be a sipdown!
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug// 10 minutes after boiling // 3 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 7 minute steep
I never did get a pumpkin or pumpkin pie flavor out of this one, it was really spicy and the turm did dominate a lot. I found it a bit of an odd inclusion since that particular spice isn’t even used in pumpkin spice or pumpkin dishes, really… but I did love it had actual pumpkin in it, which is so rare of so-called “pumpkin” teas. There was huge pumpkin in it, but it didn’t seem to do much for the flavor, sadly. Turmeric is really spicy and I’m a spice wuss so I usually take it latte style which mellows it out a bit.
I never did get a pumpkin or pumpkin pie flavor out of this one, it was really spicy and the turm did dominate a lot. I found it a bit of an odd inclusion since that particular spice isn’t even used in pumpkin spice or pumpkin dishes, really… but I did love it had actual pumpkin in it, which is so rare of so-called “pumpkin” teas. There was huge pumpkin in it, but it didn’t seem to do much for the flavor, sadly. Turmeric is really spicy and I’m a spice wuss so I usually take it latte style which mellows it out a bit.
Well, it could have tasted LESS like pumpkin pie to me. haha