This herbal blend I’ve had a few times and the elements just seem like they should be awesome together: fresh looking coconut, apple, rose, cherry, raspberry, banana, sultana…. and hibiscus but the flavor of that doesn’t come across too much. (I love the hint of that when the cup isn’t too red — no overly tart hibiscus, yay!) Sadly the huge delicious looking coconut flakes don’t show up more in the flavor. Overall, the flavor is mostly reminiscent of cherry and really only cherry which is disappointing for all these other ingredients here. Reminds me of the day I helped my grandma pick cherries from her tree in the yard for jam this summer. Sadly, one of the more fun things I got to do for a few weeks while visiting my dad in the hospital every day. I thought this was similar to a blend I’ve had in the past, but the brew definitely isn’t the same. Maybe I should have went with more than two teaspoons for more flavor, but that probably would have made it more tart. It’s a unique flavor to have around though.
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons // few minutes after boiling // 6 minute steep
Flavors: Cherry