First, I’m very sad to hear that Frank won’t be making the hot teas anymore, but I’m happy to see LiberTEAS and her daughter taking over! Hopefully good things will happen!
Thank you for this one, QueenofTarts! I had to buy it to travel along with the Bluebird split order. The pouch was brand new and unopened but I have no idea if this is a reblend or older. I wish I had one of these donuts right now – custard filled! Maple frosting! I tried this one a while back at boiling and the flavor was non-existent other than the honeybush. The dry leaves really don’t have much of a scent other than a sweetness anyway. Then I thought to try it again, at a very low temperature. I waited around 20 minutes after boiling, but there still wasn’t a flavor that would scream maple custard donuts. Again, just a little bit of sweetness. Both steep sessions I only steeped for around 45 seconds because that usually gives me the best flavor with 52Teas blends. I don’t think a longer steep time would help, but I’ll try that eventually. Too bad this one wasn’t better, as it’s a really nice idea for a blend! Low rating for not delivering on the flavor promise!
First steep session: 1 tsp. // just boiled // 45 seconds
Second steep session: 1 tsp // 20 minutes after boiling // 45 seconds