12/22/2020 5am
Tea pot – using my neglected, first intentionally purchased clay teapot, maybe 180 ml?
First ripe puerh is a few months. I had forgotten the unique flavors and progression of shou, and am glad I’ve broken the ice with this old friend. Shou was the tea that got me so “into” tea years ago.
I’d also gotten so used to using the Hawaii pot (very tight fitting lid) that I’d forgotten what spilling water/tea was all about. I’ve missed watching water spread and creep along my unfinished tea table. The patterns that water takes on wood grain are enchanting.
This is effectively my first tasting of this tea from a small sample I received months ago. It has been kept at about 70% RH with my other shous.
I rinsed the first pot. Second and third were pleasant and subtly dramatic – I haven’t experienced these flavors in a while.
4th steeping has darkened and seems to be improving still. I’m thinking its oaky and there is this sweetness that I can’t peg.