735 Tasting Notes
I feel like I’m never going to get through this box. What was I thinking when I bought this? I just do not like herbal blends anymore, especially hibiscus-heavy ones like this. Anyway, I made it iced and sweetened, and drank it when I first got up today.
Does anybody want the rest? It’s still good and I have 9 individually-wrapped bags left. You don’t even have to trade me anything. Just let me know and I’ll mail ’em in an envelope. I really hate to waste tea!
Picked up a box at Big Lots for $2 today, thinking for the price, it could be terrible and I wouldn’t care. I just needed some Earl Grey to hold me over until my teas from KeenTeaThyme got here…
I put two bags in a mug to steep for iced tea, set the timer for four and a half minutes, and then my phone rang. I ended up forgetting all about my tea and spent about eight minutes on my balcony talking to a friend who had just broken up with his girlfriend. Oh dear.
When I returned, it smelled delicious but very strong, and a little on the sharp side. It was dark, but not as dark as I would have expected. I sweetened it, hit it with ice, and hoped for the best. It’s actually not bad! The bergamot is more lemony than what I’ve had recently, but it doesn’t taste like Pinesol, so I’m happy. The actual Ceylon aspect is a little milder than what I would have hoped, but it’s going to keep me satisfied for a while. If I were broke and in a pinch like this again, I might lean toward Tazo since they add lavender, but this will do.
I found this tin in my cupboard and had forgotten all about it. It was a little puck of a container that Kaliskaa had given me a while ago at one of our conventions. I loved the idea of it after reading the descriptions, so I went for it.
It turns out, the idea seemed better than the execution. I can barely taste the bergamot at all, and the vanilla reminds me of artificial orange. Like a Dreamcicle. I’m also reminded of the Adagio Zodiac Series blend, Leo. I know this sounds like blasphemy to a lot of you, but I’m just not digging this one very much. I had wanted a real Earl Grey, and this is just not really one at all…
Or maybe my sample is stale?
I purchased this sample a while ago, back when I was in love with Starbucks’ pumpkin spice latte. I thought somehow they’d be similar. At first sniff of the leaves, I am not sure they’re even from the same planet. It smells strange and sweet… and not really like pumpkin or spices. Honestly, the aroma reminds me of cheap bubblegum, like the kind that comes in fat, pink cylinders.
I made it hot, because iced seemed even worse, and gave it some time to cool. The flavor isn’t terrible… it’s just not what I was hoping for. I guess it does taste a little pumpkiny, but it feels so fake. Maybe this could benefit from a splash of milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon. I’ll give it another try, but later, when I’m less turned off.
How did I get to the bottom of the tin so quickly?! I seriously tore through this stuff. There are two bags left for tomorrow. I have been on an Earl Grey binge, brewing a strong iced cup almost every morning for my commute/first shift. It’s been a ritual. And luckily I bought a little more EG from KeenTeaThyme on Teatra.de, so all is not lost. In the meantime, I can give the rest of my collection more attention.
Also, one of my coworkers said it smelled like Froot Loops. Just thought I’d throw that in there.
Made a pitcher of this as sweet tea tonight, which I admit, I do with black teas that don’t really impress me. I don’t mean to sound snooty, but I’ve had some really great yunnans lately, and they’ve kinda raised my standards. I wanted to love it, but it’s just a little boring and bland.
This is the last of the teas Teavivre sent for tasting. I still have a few unfinished samples here and there, though, so it’s not completely over.
However, I don’t feel as if I have much to say about this tea as I have about the others. To me, this tastes exactly like their other slightly roasty oolong, Taiwan Monkey Picked (Ma Liu Mie) Tie Guan Yin. I’m not entirely sure what ginseng tastes like, as most things I’ve had with it as an ingredient have also had overpowering ginger. I associate the two, unfortunately.
What I’m trying to say is that I can’t tell the difference between this and the other oolong I received. Am I the only one?
Another bottled Harney & Son’s tea from Fresh To Order!
I know I said I’d get to the currant flavor next, but this one really caught my eye. Now, this is a little different from the other two I’ve tried. It’s much sweeter and lighter on the actual tea aspect. I can tell there is black tea in it, but just barely. It’s mostly in the aftertaste, and dries the mouth a little bit. If I didn’t know better, I might have missed it and just thought this stuff had a slightly bitter finish.
The berry aspect is delicious, though. Raspberry is what I taste the most, then blackberry, and maybe grape juice. (Though I don’t think there actually is any in there.) It says there’s apple juice, hibiscus, and honey in it, too, but I don’t really taste it. Maybe there’s a hint of hibiscus if I really feel for it. It mostly just tastes like berry juice. But I like it. It’s tasty for what it is, if you don’t take it too seriously.
Oh my! They didn’t have this flavor where I bought mine or I surely would have gotten it! They just sent me a sample of one of their iced tea bags, though, so I think I will make that tomorrow!
Too bad Harney & Sons don’t ship their bottled iced tea internationally, this sounds like one I’d love to try. :(
This is actually the third time I’ve tried this tea. I’ve just been incredibly busy this week with work. (I made the mistake of mentioning that I needed money in front of my manager. He gave me nine shifts this week. Thanks, but I’m gonna die!)
This has been one of my absolute favorite new teas lately. I’m actually pretty impressed with Adagio. The beautiful, fuzzy gold and chocolate-colored leaves unfold long, slender, and pointed. They smell very sweet, and slightly fruity with a bit of that malty black tea scent.
The flavor reminds me of yunnan tips. I can taste a sort of raisin-like fruitiness. There’s also a strong note of caramel that I have fallen in love with. This tea is such a treat. I highly recommend giving it the full five minutes, as it brings out a certain cocoa-like quality as well. And it doesn’t get bitter with that much time — just more flavorful and satisfying. I might have to get more than the sample size next time.
Also, I have no idea what all of you are talking about when you say this reminds you of meat. Seriously. I don’t get it.
Alright, after a week of tooling around, drinking iced Earl Grey and bottled stuff, it’s back to my “tea homework”.
I’ve never had a monkey picked oolong, but they seem to be very popular. I’m sure they aren’t actually picked by monkeys… right? That seems like a health hazard. Anyway. It brewed up to a pleasant shade of yellow after two minutes, and smells different from most oolongs I’ve tried. This smells like it has been roasted. I’m getting sort of a nutty scent, along with cooked veggies. Interesting.
As is my habit, I made it over ice. Wow, is this different from any oolong I’ve ever had. Where most of Teavivre’s oolongs have been gentle and fruity or floral, this one is very hearty. It tastes like straight up roasted nuts and maybe a hint of sesame oil. It’s a very foreign flavor to me, but I like it. I could certainly get used to this. I want to pair it with wakame salad or maybe satay chicken. Mmm.
Lol, you can send it to me! Like you, I also prefer the herbals and I’d be more apt to drink those then this. In fact if not for the sample pack I got I would never have bought this on my own..But I like this. The first sip ever I thought wtf uh oh..but I sweetened it and yum. I can’t wait to try it iced! If you still have this I’d be happy to send you a postage paid envelope :) Let me know , Jodie [email protected]
ah jeez..just noticed this comment was 2 years ago lol..my guess is it’s long gone either way. ah well..newbie here ;)
Hah, yes, I finally used it up! That was a very long time ago. No worries!