Mmm, this is unexpectedly the perfect tea for the changing of the seasons. The very first hints of fall are showing here, making me excited for heavy, smoky, and spicy winter teas. But not yet! It’s still in the eighties during the day, and the sun isn’t all the way down until nine.
Anyway! The tea itself is beautiful. Slender, green leaves mixed with bright red peppercorns, white coconut shavings, tan pineapple pieces, yellow lemongrass, brown cloves and cinnamon. The aroma is strong, spicy, and promising. It reminds me a lot of Adagio’s Thai Chai, which is one of my favorites.
This tea brews up to a very light tan, and when the milk is added, it almost goes completely white. Very interesting… I wonder how it would look with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top! Flavorwise, the cardamom, ginger, and cinnamon are in the forefront. There’s really too much going on in this to taste the white tea (at least, in the way that I prepared it). The lemongrass is very present as well, but I can hardly tell there’s any pineapple. Can’t taste that much at all, but it’s there. Same with the coconut. It’s in the very background, but present. Anyway, this is pretty crazy, and I like it a lot. I might have to reorder once it really starts getting cold.
Full disclosure: I didn’t look at the steeping instructions on this. I winged it, for once.
Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Fruity, Ginger, Lemongrass
First hints of Fall!!! Eeeeck! Where do you live? I’m not going there. Here in IL it’s still very warm and summer-y. The tea sounds good… but not for a couple months.
First hints of Fall!!! Eeeeck! Where do you live? I’m not going there. Here in IL it’s still very warm and summer-y. The tea sounds good… but not for a couple months.
Yay fall go away heat…
@Carol Atlanta! But it’s just a weird cool spell. I know it will be blazingly hot again soon, and on until October. It’s summer 8 months out of the year here, haha.