Following 271 Tea Drinkers

mrmopar 777 followers

ifjuly 164 followers

“…you can never know everything about anything, especially something you love...

moraiwe 175 followers

Intro: Name: Lauren Location: Wisconsin (previously a Chicago girl) Occupatio...

Rosehips 189 followers

I love tea! I confess that I was a hot chocolate lover for most of my life, b...

Lee 152 followers

Tea is Life. I love Tea!

Lala 245 followers

I am a lifetime tea lover. I did foray into the world of coffee for a period ...

caile 243 followers

Love of tea. Raw puerh, oolong. Likes: bitter/sweet Dislikes: seaweed

Ricky 274 followers

Hiya! I am always up for sharing my tea with others. If you’re interested in ...

looseTman 199 followers

My wife and I enjoy shou that: - is Full-bodied, thick, rich, creamy smooth -...

TastyBrew 197 followers

I love tea. And I love beer. I spent my twenties thoroughly enjoying all that...



Quiet, strange, and in love with the world of tea. Living just outside of Atlanta. Cat lover, electronic music geek, balcony gardener, and collector of fossils. On the hunt for the perfect tea in each of my favorite categories.

After 10 years on Steepster, I have given up. The lack of maintenance, updates, and mobile compatibility have finally discouraged me. I still use my Cupboard and add teas to the database, but I won’t be logging teas anymore.


Decatur, GA


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