Following 271 Tea Drinkers

DeliriumsFrogs 94 followers

Oh, tea…. you’ve taken over my life, but I’m ok with that. I’m pretty new to...

Ag 111 followers

I have far too many interests. Tea is one of them. Background in bioethics, m...

Cwyn 296 followers

rosebudmelissa 121 followers

I drink a lot of herbal tea, and the occasional cup of traditional tea here a...

Kaylee 229 followers

she/her Geek and nerd (shoutout to GeekSteep). Still trying to get a handle o...

beelicious 111 followers

Wife, hiker, backcountry explorer, snowboarder, scuba diver, reader, amateur ...

TippysTea 51 followers

Tippy’s Tea is a new online tea store. We are slowly growing our selection of...

Mike 44 followers

I’m a tea novice, and I’m loving my introduction to the World of Tea. I start...

Lauren | A Quarter to Tea 120 followers

Today I’d like to sit and sip, Forget about the world a bit, Ignore the thing...

Kristal 104 followers

I used to drink coffee, but it started to hurt my stomach so I switched to te...



Quiet, strange, and in love with the world of tea. Living just outside of Atlanta. Cat lover, electronic music geek, balcony gardener, and collector of fossils. On the hunt for the perfect tea in each of my favorite categories.

After 10 years on Steepster, I have given up. The lack of maintenance, updates, and mobile compatibility have finally discouraged me. I still use my Cupboard and add teas to the database, but I won’t be logging teas anymore.


Decatur, GA


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