451 Tasting Notes
This is the first loose leaf tea I ever purchased. I went into Teavana looking for a teapot — something small that I could use with loose and bagged tea. I came out with a nice ceramic teapot and four ounces of this tea.
I had tried a sample in store, at the salesgirl’s urging and was instantly in love with it. It was sweet and fruity and more satisfying than cookies — I had to have some. When I got home, I brewed it according to the package directions and …
Water. Barely pink, hot water.
I called the store and asked what I was doing wrong. I was told to use 3 tbs for my 20oz teapot. I upped the amount of tea I was using (not by that much, though!) and tried again. Still water.
Desperate, I upped the steeping time from the recommended 3 minutes to about 10 minutes. Finally, the color of the tea matched what I’d seen in the store! I added some agave honey and finally had something similar to what I’d been served in store.
Overall, this tea was diasppointing. The fruit flavors are weak and it’s incredibly difficult (for me, anyway) to brew this so it tastes good. This is one tea I’ll be happy to use the last of.