Crappy weather, check.
Weekend inside, check.
Too much sugar consumed already in the form of homemade hot chocolate, check.
Time for some campfire tea (I think I saw someone else call it ‘lumberjack tea’ at some point — Robert, maybe? — and it made me snicker).
I definitely prefer the sweetness in this to the extremely acrid Samovar version, though I think the Samovar lapstang souchong is better with milk or creamer. Either way…this is the closest I can get to the scent of pine logs full of sweet sap burning in a woodstove in my 18th floor apartment.
(And you know…it actually goes pretty well with spending time revisiting Orzammar…okay, maybe that’s an overdose of nerd even for me.)
Can I just say, omg at the fact that you live in an 18 floor apartment in Boston? I didn’t even know those exist. I live in the “basement” of an apartment complex :(
Well…technically I’m on the Cambridge side of the river, but only just. I love my new place. I lived in a second-story apartment in Fenway for a while, and definitely spent my fair share of time in the ‘old building’ trenches…my whole electrical system blew after I moved into that one! >.< Plus the mice…and the Sox fans…and the paper-thin walls…
So, yeah. Sometimes I miss having a yard or a porch or something, but…overall? No complaints. I’ve got eight years on you according to your profile notes, though, so you’ve got time to poke around and find that perfect place. ;)
Can I just say, omg at the fact that you live in an 18 floor apartment in Boston? I didn’t even know those exist. I live in the “basement” of an apartment complex :(
Well…technically I’m on the Cambridge side of the river, but only just. I love my new place. I lived in a second-story apartment in Fenway for a while, and definitely spent my fair share of time in the ‘old building’ trenches…my whole electrical system blew after I moved into that one! >.< Plus the mice…and the Sox fans…and the paper-thin walls…
So, yeah. Sometimes I miss having a yard or a porch or something, but…overall? No complaints. I’ve got eight years on you according to your profile notes, though, so you’ve got time to poke around and find that perfect place. ;)
woot woot Cambridge :) I too live on this side of the Charles
Yesterday I was dreaming of my last apartment when I lived on omg the 4th floor and how awesome that was…