Where to begin? I had just gave into the naughty tea demons perched on my shoulder and purchased two of the 52 tea honeybush blends. It was daring, since I had yet to sample a honey bush tea, and red bush doesn’t get on with me for some reason.
Fast forward to the next week, the new teas hadn’t yet arrived & now there is a White Chocolate Grasshopper tea to be had. OMG!!! The tea demons were clamouring, the penny pinching angels were ’tsk’ing vigourously. How could I justify? How could I know? What do I do?
Well, guess what. I did it.
And when to came, it smelled of gentle spearmint bending on a white chocolate breeze. The tea (w/ milk) was amazing. Gentle, sweet. Minty. Chocolatey. Lovely. It lived up to the special magic that I feel with a cup of Tetley’s (the proper english tea) on a bad day…it was a ‘hug in a cup.’ But this wasn’t a bad day at all, this was cause for celebration. For this heralds the arrival of the “tea of happiness” :D
All is happy here in the world of tea. ….but I don’t even want to think what will happen when I run out. :O
I hate red bush. LOVE green bush though!