Once more, a sample from the amazing Nepali Tea Traders!
I opened the bag, and it smeels almost exctly like a sencha, but there is something that makes it stand apart that I just can’t quite put my finger on…regardless the aroma is pleasantly grassy and very fresh, both of which suggest a very nice tea. I put this in my teapot, and steeped it with fooler water for 20 second, since I’m not familiar with the tea, and it’s better to be safe than sorry with green tea in general. The result is amazingly sweet, with a hint of grass thrown in to really make it taste authentic. The thing that really stands out is that the smooth texture and slight mineral flavor that I’m geting out of this tea. It’s a very nice addition to what I normally get out of a sencha, and I can’t wait to see what else this tea has to offer.
The much-delayed second infusion was steeded for 15 secodns at a bit of a warmer temperature than the first. The results has a bit more astringency, but still retains all of the sweetness to balance it out, resulting in a vey pleasant cup of tea. There’s an intereesting almost-metalic aftertaste that lingers on the roof of my mouth for over a minute as well, and I’m really pleased by this development. This tea seems to get better and better.
I talked to George (the owner of Happy Lucky’s) and he said that all the rules about timing from Nepali didn’t seem to work, so they threw them out and tried different times finding that some of the green tea’s that were bitter at first were fantastic when the time was lowered. Playing with time on these tea’s and noting them in reviews will help the next person since this is a new company.
I talked to George (the owner of Happy Lucky’s) and he said that all the rules about timing from Nepali didn’t seem to work, so they threw them out and tried different times finding that some of the green tea’s that were bitter at first were fantastic when the time was lowered. Playing with time on these tea’s and noting them in reviews will help the next person since this is a new company.
oooh, I might need to order some of these. :)
I agree with Goerge, the timings don’t work at all. I wold never steep green tea for 2-3 minutes, that would make it fairly bitter, unless you use lukewarm water.