Alright, this is the first time I’ve had a sheng since Jim Marks made that post a while ago about using less leaves when brewing sheng. I decided to try it out, and the results are amazing! The first infusion is so much sweeter than I remember, and the bitter foretaste is not present at all! While I wouldn’t describe the taste as “buttery” I can certainly taste the walnut, albeit much smoother and refined than most actual walnuts. I’m certainly bumping the rating up a few point, since this is much better than I remember.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

so what was your water to leaf ratio?

Joshua Smith

Hm…Large. I’d say something like 1.5 oz : 1 g. I’m not very exact when making tea, especially when it comes to puerh.


so glad you persist!

Joshua Smith

Even when this tea was astringent, I still enjoyed it. This just means I’ll be drinking it more regularly.

Jim Marks

So glad it worked.

Charles Thomas Draper

I may have wasted some precious Sheng….

Joshua Smith

@Jim Marks – I am too!

@Charles Thomas Draper – Sheng is tricky. I’ve wasted a good amount myself before Jim Mark’s post, but in the grand scheme of things, which is better: A bit more Sheng or some good advice?


I’ve always been stingy with my Sheng and satisfied with the results. Probably because I tend to lose track of time now and then. You gentlemen are always a joy to read! What would I do without your collective Pu’er wisdom!


Oops. not to forget Amy who is wise about Pu’er and mistress of dargeelings especially (which at this stage is still a huge mystery to me)!

Joshua Smith

Ha ha, puerh swisdom…I’m far from being able to claim I have any of that! I’m just applying the wisdom of others, it doesn’t really count. Now, Sencha is a different story…

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so what was your water to leaf ratio?

Joshua Smith

Hm…Large. I’d say something like 1.5 oz : 1 g. I’m not very exact when making tea, especially when it comes to puerh.


so glad you persist!

Joshua Smith

Even when this tea was astringent, I still enjoyed it. This just means I’ll be drinking it more regularly.

Jim Marks

So glad it worked.

Charles Thomas Draper

I may have wasted some precious Sheng….

Joshua Smith

@Jim Marks – I am too!

@Charles Thomas Draper – Sheng is tricky. I’ve wasted a good amount myself before Jim Mark’s post, but in the grand scheme of things, which is better: A bit more Sheng or some good advice?


I’ve always been stingy with my Sheng and satisfied with the results. Probably because I tend to lose track of time now and then. You gentlemen are always a joy to read! What would I do without your collective Pu’er wisdom!


Oops. not to forget Amy who is wise about Pu’er and mistress of dargeelings especially (which at this stage is still a huge mystery to me)!

Joshua Smith

Ha ha, puerh swisdom…I’m far from being able to claim I have any of that! I’m just applying the wisdom of others, it doesn’t really count. Now, Sencha is a different story…

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I am a university student, studying Computer Science, who found that I really enjoy a nice cup of tea. I finally got into loose-leaf tea in August of 2011. I am currently in the process of expanding my horizons, and have found that I have a particular fondness for Oolongs in general, and Wuyi Yanchas in particular. The unique mineral taste is very appealing to me, as well as a nice Sencha. More recently, I’ve developed a taste for Sheng puerh, white tea, and black teas. The only things I’ve tried that I didn’t like was Shu puerh, but that might have been because it was quite young. Regardless, I’ve been slowly expanding my horizons, so if you have any recommendations, please feel free to send me a PM.

Just for the heck of it, my other interests include classical musics (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Verdi, Debussy, Shostakovitch, Rachmaninoff, Liszt, and Wagner, to name a few composers). I also have a fondness for a bit more modern music, like The Beatles, all Jazz (by all, I really do mean all), Gorillaz (I love Demon Days), and a couple of Indie artists you will never run across unless you play a lot of semi obscure Indie games. Also, I love cats.


Fairfax, VA

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