Just a quick little note: I’m starting my internship tomorrow, so my reviews will be more limited until late August.
Anyway, This tea is delightful, espeically now that I understad why Verdant tea has Linen as one of the flavors. David Duckler had a post about tasting that discussed the other sensations, like touch and smell, and how they impact flavor. If you haven’t read it, you should check it out:
I finally understand that the linen flavor is really the interesting sensation that you get on your tongue while drinking this tea, not a flavor in the traditional sense. Anyway, time to get back to unpack stuff from college…
Thanks! I’m actually working at the same company as last year, and I’m friend with a few of my co-workers, so everything should go pretty smoothly. Also, since the HR rep that I need to see doesn’t get in until 9, I get to sleep in an hour!
I’m glad you read that article too! All the best with the internship!
Thanks! I’m actually working at the same company as last year, and I’m friend with a few of my co-workers, so everything should go pretty smoothly. Also, since the HR rep that I need to see doesn’t get in until 9, I get to sleep in an hour!