My newest shipment from Verdant just can in today, and I was very excited the try this tea out. My previous experience with Verdant has been excellent, with teas that outshine their competition
This is by far the best Yunnan golden bud tea I’ve had. The first infusion was the perfect balance of sweet and creamy, and not nearly as harsh as some versions of this tea that I’ve had. There was also a hint of cinnamon as a bit of foreshadowing for the second infusion.
The second infusion was still sweet, but the cinnamon flavor had strengthened considerably. The creamy flavors are surprisingly weak, but other than that, this is a delightful cup of tea.
The third infusion was mellower than the previous two, and – like the description said – reminded me of a Tie Guan Yin. It wasn’t fruity, but it had the same feeling. I was also rather impressed that the tea was still this strong, as most of the black teas that I’ve had waned more bu the third steeping.
The forth infusion was similar to the third, but weaker. This was also my last infusion, so I have a few closing remarks: This was a remarkably good black tea, and I’m really glad that I got 4 ounces of it. Also, there was no astringency in this tea, so I’m planning on experimenting this weekend to see if it can be brewed grandpa style. Regardless, I can’t wait to have this tea again.