Last tea from Marshall. Thank you again for the trade. I saved this one for last because it is the category of tea I am least familiar with. Quite excited to try this one. And I do enjoy the videos from Nannuoshan. Actually, this is the first time I’ve had one of their teas!
Dry Leaf: Dark tones. Dark browns and dark yellows. The yellow disappears in the dark a bit, so make sure to put it under good light to view it. Medium and large rolled leaves. Lots of tricomes.
Steeping aroma: Very nice. Mellow wood tones, bready, barely? some type of grain… malt? Yes malt.
Flavor: Yeah, that’s good. Oh man. Hay, malt, bitter chocolate 85% dark, a bit of herbaceous notes.
This one you really have to sit with. Can’t walk away.
Wet Leaf: Summer floral, summer herbal, raisiny…