drank Hibiki Matcha by Kettl
1324 tasting notes

I’ve got Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal running through my head right now. This matcha is so smooth it just mixes well with this song. It whisked quite nicely, despite my lack of skill with a whisk. When I opened the tin I was hit with chocolate notes and the depth of the jade green matcha is quite beautiful. So far very little to no silt and the silt I do feel is incredibly small. Barely perceptible. It is a bit vegetal with grassiness. So creamy.

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Cupboard updated: 7/27/2023

Tea Profile:
Allergies: Almonds and Dairy.

I’m a purist but I will try a flavored as long as it doesn’t have artificial flavors.

I will drink any type and love to taste whatever I can get my hands on.

(Purple is not a type of tea it is a cultivar known as TRFK 306/1)



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