I am sorry to hear that. Did you steep it for less than 5 minutes? We usually think is a very flavorful rooibos tea. It is actually one of our best sellers here in Miami. What do you think is missing? Thank you for your feedback
I am sorry to hear that. Did you steep it for less than 5 minutes? We usually think is a very flavorful rooibos tea. It is actually one of our best sellers here in Miami. What do you think is missing? Thank you for your feedback
I’m a tea-aholic. I’ve always loved tea. It is soothing and warm and comforting. I always had it when we went out to eat as a child so my first association is with rich and delicious food.
As an adult, I’m learning to enjoy tea on its own merits, and bask in its subtleties and varieties. The ritual of making a cup of tea is instantly relaxing.
I prefer oolong and white teas, followed by greens. For the most part, I don’t like straight black tea, but appreciate it as part of a blend or flavored. I’ve learned to love the world of flavored teas out there.
I’m slowly learning to appreciate rooibos blends, which I started drinking for its anti-inflammatory properties.
Love: Oolong, almond, coconut, peach
Hate: Ginger
Silver Spring, MD
I am sorry to hear that. Did you steep it for less than 5 minutes? We usually think is a very flavorful rooibos tea. It is actually one of our best sellers here in Miami. What do you think is missing? Thank you for your feedback
I steeped it for a little over 5 minutes. I just couldn’t taste anything much other than “sweet”. I’ve drunk it several more times since and I have had the same experience. Blame my taste buds.