16936 Tasting Notes
Our water was finally turned back on at 10 PM last night, and to celebrate both Tre and I made ourselves some tea. For his tea, I suggested that he use some of the organic sugar given to me along with some samples. I personally don’t use sugar in my tea at all, so I thought I’d take advantage of the fact Tre adds sugar to all his tea without hesitation or exception and get him to review it.
I asked him to be specific and detailed in his review, and this is what he came back with: It tastes diluted but does its job, I guess…
So there you have it.
Sipdown (203/206)!
I finished off the last of this by cold brewing it. In total, the cold brew time was 13 hours. Overall, I actually think I much preferred this as a cold brew and maybe that’s in part because Mountain Dew is something one typically drinks cold anyway. But mostly, I think it was because I could hardly taste the peppery honeybush base at all.
It was a good way to finish this one off, but I’m happy to see it gone now. Not a restock, but an interesting experience nonetheless.
Wah, I’m over 200 again…
So yesterday started off with my receiving some tea in the mail from the lovely Cavocorax, who was very generous with the sample sizes she sent and who also through in some very interesting looking extras.
Because our water was off, I decided to take advantage of the new matchas in my cupboard and mix some of this up with cold milk. 1/2 tsp. of matcha to 12 oz. of cold milk. Overall, it was pretty interesting and I definitely got some of the peanut butter flavour, but it was also pretty light handed on the flavouring. Perhaps I just had too much milk to my ratio of matcha. Next time I’ll use a little more matcha and see if I can make this one taste a little stronger.
Thanks Cavo!
Made this one up as a latte because I thought it’d be really nice that way. Overall, it was enjoyable enough but I think I actually prefer it straight still.
Remaining in the minority of people who actually like this one.
Flavors: Chocolate, Licorice
They sent me a sample with my last order. It’s in my sample tin (free DT tin where I store the sample packets)
I felt betrayed when I tried it… lol Licorice was not mentioned anywhere on the sample packet I got and then BAM! Full out assault on my mouth. Me and licorice don’t go well together… lol
If it tastes anything like black licorice or licorice all sorts I’m out. I will toss it in the nearest trash. Dang now I’m scared to try it… oh well it must be done!
Sipdown (198/201)!
Yay for under 200 again except I know I’m over, because since this drinking this I’ve received tea from Cavocorax!
I decided to use some of my precious water reserve to get in a sipdown, and it was easy enough to make it this one. Also, this was probably the best cup I’ve had of this one yet – definitely milky in flavour, though still not all too enjoyable. I’m not sad to see this one gone, and I think I’m probably done exploring Milk Oolongs, at least for a while. I’ve had three now, and none of them were all that enjoyable to me.
Thanks for the sample VariaTEA. Even though I didn’t love it, it was good having another milk oolong in the mix to be even more sure that this tea type really isn’t for me.
Cold brewed using some of my “kettle reserve” water, since at the time out water was shut off. Originally I planned to drink this one on Valentine’s Day, but after my poor Peppermint Amour experience I couldn’t drink anymore tea for the day, so it was set aside for later.
I’ve had this cold brewed before, but it was definitely nice having it cold brewed again. Fruity and very refreshing thanks to the spearmint. Mmm! Total cold brew time for this batch was 13 hours.
Slowly working on sipping down the 30g(ish) I have left of this, and then onto Birthday Cake so that I can justify getting more Creme Brulee…
This cup got cold before I got to drinking it, but it was decent enough. Supposedly this makes for an interesting cold brew, so I’ll keep that in mind. That’ll definitely make going through the leaf a little easier.
A lack of water was not going to stop me from enjoying tea, so that just meant a fair bit of lattes/milk based teas. And I’ve had this as a latte in the past and it was decent enough, so I made this one up as a latte and enjoyed it while being stupidly sick.
I just finished an anime called B Gata H Kei Yamada’s First Time which was really weird and not the type of anime I usually watch, but also pretty interesting. I was very disappointed with the ending though because it’s set up to have a second season and there’s lots of unfinished plot – however, there’s no second season. Boo
I also started watching Breaking Bad these last few days, and am not about halfway through season three. I did not expect to love it as much as I am – though I absolutely can’t freaking stand all the family shit with Walt and Skyler (though I love Walter Jr.) – and Jesse is just… Favourite character, by far. I felt so heartbroken for him after Jane died, even if she was in part turning him into a giant douche. Aaron Paul is such a cutie. His eyes just sort of… pierce.
i had to look up the anime of course. and wiki says the anime team “had received multiple threatening letters concerning the content and presentation of the anime”. haha wowzers.
people are so weird.
i found the last few seasons of BB very satisfying. that doesn’t always happen with a show. usually they just kinda peter out. so i’m excited for you to keep enjoying it! hah
also, the last marathon i ran, someone had a sign that had Jesse Pinkman’s face cut out and it said “Yo, it’s a marathon,… so like,… Run Bitch” and i laughed so so so so hard. perfection.
When I made this one, I mixed it up with Fruits d’Alsace and they tasted practically identical to me, so I wasn’t sure which cup was which. Both were enjoyable though!
So I guess I can say it was a good cup of this? I didn’t taste the usual maple at all though, and I think that’s a large part of why I couldn’t tell the two apart. Hmm…