16950 Tasting Notes
Sample comes via VariaTEA.
DT’s Sweet Strawberry put me into a strawberry mood for the rest of the evening, so I broke open my sample of this despite not really intending on trying it yet.
I have to say – it was weird (strawberry/cinnamon isn’t really a flavour combo I’m used to or can say I’ve ever really craved) but I think in a good way, overall. I did enjoy the cup and I can see where the “pie” comes in. I’ll enjoy finishing the sample, too – but I wouldn’t feel a need to order it again either.
Just another 52Teas blend to cross off!
What the fuck is up with DT lately? I could be wrong or overreacting, but it seems like they keep pulling their white blends and discontinuing them! I know they’ve now discontinued Checkmate (thankfully I have a sample of it still I can try), and their Jasmine Silver Needles, and now this one isn’t listed on the site any more either. I seriously hope this one isn’t going away because I really enjoy it and their white tea selection is becoming increasingly small. Boo.
Step your shit up DT: I mean, half if not more of the white blends still listed on the site aren’t even straight up white blends – they’re white/greens.
Anyway, I cold brewed this for a total of 19 hours. I’ve been a little sloppy with my most recent cold brews since they’ve been left for a long period of time. In fact, the one currently in the fridge that I’ve yet to strain has been there for over 24 hours. Oops.
This was really good though; very strawberry in a more tangy and natural/realistic way. My observation with this tea thus far that depending on how and how long it’s steeped it really has two very distinct flavours which are this way which is like tangy and sweet actual strawberries and then the other which is more like strawberry gummy candy.
I really like it both ways.
Usually under 10 hours; seven seems to be about average. I forgot I was cold brewing this one, though.
I didn’t know checkmate was discontinued :(
I agree with you about stepping up their game in the whites though!
Slowly but steadily working my way towards a sipdown (it’s now been moved to my sipdown drawer in the kitchen and out of the closet). It’ll be kinda nice to finish this one off; it’s one of my oldest teas back from my very first online order.
I, of course, made the rookie mistake of getting 2 oz. of all the teas I ordered. But at least I really didn’t hate any of them. Actually, I quite enjoyed almost all of them!
I feel like I have an excess of Spiced/Chai blends right now, and that’s a flavour I’m not too fond of – but this one is fruity/sweet and gingerless, so I don’t mind so much that VariaTEA added in a few cups worth of this to my birthday package.
I made it up yesterday – and was actually surprised by how sweet the dry leaf smelled. It was like very ripe, almost candy, green apples. I expected a little more spice, I think.
taste wise – this was pretty good; I thought the apple flavour was done really well, and the caramel was pretty good too and added a nice level of sweetness. The spices? They added a warmth to the blend and I think helped the sweet apple pop a little bit – but I could really live with or without them. They just felt like they were “there” and maybe a last minute thought? Like Della Terra went: “Caramel Apple isn’t fancy enough – what could we add that wouldn’t totally derail this tea but would spice it up a little? Oh, I know! Actual spices!”.
But overall it wasn’t bad. It should be easy enough to finish off.
Backlog from yesterday.
VariaTEA sent me this sample – and I was really excited about it because I recently discovered/learned that I really enjoy Creme Brulee and Creme Brulee flavoured things. I whisked some of this up in cold milk (using up the last of our milk), and got ready for a yummy treat.
I was a little disappointed though – it was basically just sweetened/slightly creamier milk. Nothing abundantly “Creme Brulee”. Once I’ve bought more milk, I’ll have to try it again – just to see if I can make it more flavourful by using more matcha.
I’ve been eating lots of popcorn recently; and I’m wondering if matcha would make an interesting popcorn seasoning. Has anyone tried that? I imagine Caramel matcha (or Caramel Popcorn Matcha) would work well enough…
Thanks VariaTEA!
whoa, caffeinated popcorn! heh. It sounds interesting but when using popcorn seasoning I always find a lot of waste at the bottom of the bowl, and I’d hate to waste precious matcha!
I am sorry it was disappointing. I was let down too. I think it might benefit from a higher flavoring level as it is only delicate but I doubt I would order it again.
I don’t know how this’d work with Matcha – but I also dissolve my popcorn shakers into about a tablespoon or so of butter and then sprinkle that on. No waste – that way. I’m really hard core about my popcorn though; a year or working at a movie theatre but made me totally sick of movie theatre popcorn but also ingrained the habit of having it into me – so I compromise and air pop my own ;)
Sipdown (196/198)!
I kept the steep time short to finish this one off and that definitely helped with the flavour. This is less ginger and bitterness, and surprisingly more cream so that’s a win for sure! Overall, definitely a more pleasant way to finish this one off. Seriously; I can hardly believe this is the same tea that I had yesterday.
Now to have some teas that I didn’t have yesterday.
Sipdown (198/200)!
Deja Vu; I’m basically just drinking the teas I had yesterday to get in some sipdown which is a sort of “meh” plan because I’m not enjoying them a whole lot – but I will be relieved to have them cleared out so I guess that’s the payoff here.
I did a shit job sifting/whisking this though; lots of lumps. Ick.
I appreciated having this around for the Christmas season – but it’ll be summer soon (even though it doesn’t feel like it) so time to move on from some of the Christmas teas I have stocked. Maybe I’ll reunite with this come winter/Christmas.
The best part of this is the candied fennel. It’s so hard to not pick it all out; but knowing that if I do then it wont taste like fennel at all helps a bit…
Last night’s cup was pretty fennel-y which made me happy; but the ginger was also pretty strong too which kind of negated the happiness. So, an overall neutral cup I suppose? I think it’s just not sweet enough of a chai for me to really get into it – candied fennel or not.
Also, that wraps up yesterday’s backlog! Hooray!
Last night’s cup of this was kind of a mess and kind of an experimentation. I brewed it up like normal, but then I added milk and also Nesquik Rolo flavoured milk syrup because why the fuck not?
I can tell you right now why not: It makes the cup a muddled, thick, nasty and oily cup of cloying sludge. Don’t do it.
So yeah, not a good cup but pretty much all my fault. We’ll chock this one up to boredom. At least I have a fair bit of this left though.
I LOVED the sample I had in the bestsellers sampler pack but the bag I got was a bit disappointing in comparison. Not bad, just not as delicious as my first few cups.
Strawberries & cinnamon is actually one of my favorite things to put in my oatmeal. I’m surprised the flavor combination isn’t more common. I might have to try this one…