16956 Tasting Notes
Cinnamon Hearts!
Yet another green tea that I pulled for today; I have a lot of it to get through, and this is an older tea of mine, so it’s important that I pull it out every now and then and then so I can slowly finish it off.
Slowly is the key word… I’m working on it, though!
Apparently I’m in one of my really rare Green Tea moods, because I’ve set aside like four different green blends I’d like to get through tonight. Also, I just realized that 1000 tasting notes is something that could be very attainable today! That’s exciting!
Anyway, this is good! It went cold before I got to it, but I’m getting a very “Peaches and Cream Corn” kinda vibe from it, and it’s nice and light without much bitterness (just a touch at the end, from sitting so long with all the little dust bits at the bottom of the mug). This is pretty nice, but only when I’m in the right mood/mindset.
Sipdown! This was brewed up before it made it into my cupboard though, so count…
Thanks VariaTEA for the sample! I have a major Passion Fruit weakness, so I was really excited by the oppertunity to try this one. And, turns out, I was right to be!
I didn’t smell the dry leaf – I was too excited and skipped that step and went straight to brewing it up. Brewed up, it smells lovely; like a distinct but light Passion Fruit. As far as the taste goes, it’s totally Passion Fruit! Seriously, this blend captures the unique flavour of a passion fruit very well and if I was trying this blindly I have no doubt that I’d be able to identify what it is.
The black base is also really great; I want to say it’s just a touch malty which is providing this really interesting and unusual contrast to the sweet fruit. It works though; and the Passion Fruit really pops because of it, which still feeling light and fresh. Every sip of this was fantastic.
This is something that I would not hesitate to purchase (if I had the money to spend), and that I definitely hope will make a return to my cupboard. Back onto the shopping/wishlist!
EDIT: So, apparently this has a Ceylon base. That surprises me; I haven’t done too well with Ceylon teas in the past.
I cold brewed this one over night; 13 hours in total which I’m kinda worried might have been a little too much time, but alas; nothing I can do about that now.
This tea has sort of lost its “sparkle” for me. I mean, when I first started out drinking loose leaf it was amazing to me because it was a green tea that I could actually stomach – but since that discovery I’ve found several other flavoured greens which do the same thing but taste more impressive (Pistachio Ice Cream, Potato Pancakes & Applesauce, Kiwi’s Big Adventure – to name a few). So the last few times I’ve been drinking this it’s been with a gradual sipdown in mind, and no plans of restocking.
So, I’ve adjusted my rating to something I feel it fitting, and today I transferred the last little bit into a ziplock, cleaned out the tin, and then moved Potato Pancakes & Applesauce into the tin. That blend it a little more deserving of that coveted spot.
So anyway, taste wise this retains its sweet cocktail syrup like mango/lychee notes, but there’s also a fair bit of vegetal quality that, I’m not gonna lie, isn’t sitting too pleasantly with me, and also a really weighty bitterness under the fruit flavour.
It’s palatable, overall, but only borderline enjoyable.
Found this in my closet when I was looking for sample to bring back to the kitchen. I had completely forgotten I even had this one stocked! So since there wasn’t a lot left (one more cup other than this one) I brought it with to finish off.
Hot, this tasted SO very bland and unappealing; like stale hot water. Ick.
So, I left it and let it get cold and when I came back to it and took more sips I was happy to find it was a fair bit more flavourful; kinda like watered down condensed milk. Like, creamy caramel rich but also really watery. Kinda “meh”, at best, overall.
I’m just happy that the people I shared this with for the 12 Days of Christmas swap have, at least so far based on tasting notes, all had much more success with this one than I have. Milk oolong just isn’t my thing.
Sipdown (191/193)!
Well, thank you VariaTEA for the sample; you know how I love my Genmaicha and how I love trying things from locations that would otherwise not be accessible (especially places local to fellow Steepsterites) – so I liked this for those reasons especially.
I think this is a really aromatic Genmaicha! It has that special quality to it; though the taste is a little more average, and this cup leaned a little more to a vegetal side so it wasn’t the best one I’ve produced.
HOWEVER; I now only have three(?) Genmaicha blends to get through before I can justify cracking open my Marshmallow Treat; DT’s Genmai Hojicha, RiverTea’s Genmaicha, and Verdant’s Laoshan Black Chocolate Genmaicha! I just finished fishing the first two out of my closet, and rotating a whole bunch of new samples into the sample drawer because it was looking sparce. Yay!
Goodbye, CaesersTea Genmaicha – I’m onto new and hopefully better blends!
EDIT: I just checked my physical and online cupboard, and apparently I do not have a sample of Laoshan Black Chocolate Genmaicha even though I’m like 95% sure that Courtney sent me some in her swap package. I remember specifically requesting it, and being excited when I saw it in the package…
Plus I took it off my wishlist (just added it back now).
URGH. There’s no trace of it ever being in my house, and I swear I had some of it. Damn! I was really, really excited about that one. Where the frick fracking fuck could it have gone? I mean, it’s DEFINITELY not like Tre took it. He’d take one look at the name and be all “fuck no”.
Cold brewed for about 13 hours; I strained it this morning and drank half of it, and that portion was super creamy, refreshing lime. It was a great way to start the day off, minus the lack of caffeine.
The rest went into a timolino and I drank it on the bus ride home; and I have to say I did a double take a few times because it got all weird and a few times I could have sworn that I was drinking a cold cup of DAVIDsTEA’s Gingerbread. But then a slightly fruity taste would kick in and I’d be like; “No, self, this IS Lime Chiffon”.
I think it’s either my brain doing weird things because of a long shift/stress about tomorrow OR this picked up some kind of lingering taste from what was list in the timolino (Transsiberian Chai?).
Weird; but still enjoyable.
Oh, I’m hungry…
I should really make some supper. Hah! It’s midnight and I’m considering supper; but then again I know I’m going to be up for like four more hours anyway. Yay for having the day off and getting to sleep in!
Frick frack; I have a DATE tomorrow! No pressure. BE STILL NERVES! But yeah, I’m excited for it – we’re starting this shabang off by going for tea at DAVIDsTEA which is cool, but his first impression of me is going to be me totally geeking out over all the looseleaf, and taking a shit ton of time to pick one.
But hey, speaking of tea… What about this one!?
I brought it to work in a timolino, and guzzled it during my second break. I needed the energy because of all the stock/product merchandising; except I think it’s only just now kicking in. Welp.
Taste wise, I can’t help but to now compare this to Adagio’s Apache Tracker fandom blend. This is like a more caramel/toffee sweet and less chocolatey version of that blend which written out sound like it’d be better – but I still think Apache Tracker blows this one out of the water! Ugh – I miss Apache Tracker! Still, this was pleasant and will be decent enough until I figure out how to get ahold of more Apache Tracker.
I suppose I wouldn’t want both around at the same time anyway, so I can finish this off while planning on getting more Apache Tracker.
I just have to note that on my computer this is ONE line of my tasting note: “but his first impression of me is going to be me totally geeking out over all the looseleaf, and taking a shit”, and then it cuts off into the next line. However it sort of looks like that could be the end of the sentence, and IT IS NOT. I do not freak out over looseleaf and then take a shit in public. That is not a thing I do…
Sipdown (192/194)!
I cold brewed this one last night for, uhh, I forget how long: at least 12 hours? Probably more? After I strained it this morning I brought it to work, and I’m sad to say that I guzzled it down while I was doing some extensive labor work/stock today and I did so very absentmindedly with no attention to the taste.
All I know is it didn’t taste bad and it was refreshing/thirst quenching.
Anyway, I was pronounced “fully trained and competent” at work today, and I have to say that I feel it. Yay! On the other hand, the two coworkers who started training at the same time for the same position/location as myself (we will all be cash managers/key holders at the new location still under construction) are way behind me – and I’m not just saying that/being egotistical; the other key holders at out temp. location training us pointed it out (in front of all three of us, which was maybe a little mean), plus they’ve been having me train the rest of my group (which I’m comfortable doing; I’ve been a peer trainer before at all my other jobs), and I’m the only one to have received my set of keys so far…
It just makes me a little nervous that once our store is open I might have to carry their weight a little bit…
But yeah; the tea! It was nice, I’m sad it’s gone because it was special to me since it’s discontinued and related to my home city! Saskatoon Berries FTW! I wish I’d have payed more attention to my final cup of it…
So…remember when I had about 100 teas less than you? That isn’t happening anymore :(
Also, milk oolongs were not for me either. I think the only one I would consider trying is the Mandala one since it seems to be such a popular option on here. If I can’t get through that, it is probably fair to say I won’t be able to get through any version of it.
I’m starting to get a little milk oolong’d out myself.
I’m not a big milk oolong person either.