16956 Tasting Notes
So apparently this blend never made it into my cupboard, so I’m back up a blend. It’s kind of a disappointing feeling because it negates the only sipdown I managed to get in all day.
Anyway, this sample comes from aisling of tea – I took advantage of the fact she has a whole bunch of RiverTea blends and I requested this one because it’s something I never would have ordered for myself, and Spring Tea because I wanted to do a comparison between it and Tea Desire’s version (which I still have to do).
This is a really interesting blend. Aesthetically speaking, it’s really beautiful – the colours of the very shapely orange swirls, blue cornflower, and the bright raspberry bits all really pop and make this something fun to look at. It’s something I’d be tempted to serve to guests/company purely because of the presentation of it.
I’m still not really that experienced with Pu’Erh blends, so I don’t know how much my word should be taken on this, but I found that the Pu’Erh really stood out – much in the way I experienced DT’s Chocolate Orange. It was really thick, and the word that springs to mind is “oily”. I also felt like there was a kind of earthy musk to it. The fruit flavours were a little lost under all that ‘weighty’ Pu’Erh, but I could still get a feel of the orange (in a sort of rind like way) and the raspberry in a really subtle, nuanced way.
My overall impression is that as a first cup this was really weird but in an intriguing way where I wanted to keep drinking just to experience all the layers of it. I think it’s the kind of blend that would really grow on you the more you have it; an “acquired taste” type of tea.
Flavors: Berries, Earth, Loam, Orange Zest
I can sort of see what VariaTEA meant by finding Nina’s rooibos blends a little, uh how did she word it, distinct? The rooibos sticks out in a really noticeable way – although I don’t think it tastes bad, just present. Other than that I think this is pretty enjoyable; the pineapple is sweet and maybe a bit tangy. I love that I could see the large pineapple chunks in the dry leaf!
The coconut is really what I find most interesting about this one; it’s really buttery, especially in the aftertaste. Like, seriously buttery: the way my mouth feels about I’ve swallowed the tea is as if I’ve literally licked a block of butter. It’s maybe more distracting than the rooibos in the blend.
I think the pineapple would have to be a lot stronger to negate this buttery weirdness.
So overall, I think this is good and I feel like I’ll be able to drink the rest of the cup and my sample from VariaTEA without much problem – but assuming this buttery trait is a consistent one in all subsequent cups of this, then this is a blend I wouldn’t really seek out more of.
Flavors: Butter
Sipdown (184/186)!
Is anyone else hooked on the game 2048!? I can’t remember who showed it to me, but I’ve been really addicted ever since! It’s such a simple concept (similar to Flappy Bird) but it’s so damn hard to achieve!
Here’s the link for anyone who doesn’t know what I’m talking about:
Basically, you have to move the tiles and group them together until you get a tile worth 2048; everytime you slide two matching tiles together they merge into one tile worth twice the value. And I keep getting stuck on tile 512! Bleck.
Anyway; this tea! I’m happy I squeaked in a sipdown today; it’s probably the only one I’m going to accomplish today – the other blends in my lineup for today and tomorrow aren’t really at the sipdown level yet (but some are very close).
I think this one tastes better today. It’s less oddly floral, though still a little floral. The chocolate is really fudgey, and that’s appreciated. I almost made another batch of brownies this afternoon because I was in a chocolate mood – but I made this instead because it required far less effort; and then I just finished off my tub of lime sorbet and had some PB&J pita rolls instead.
I’m still not sure what my “closing thoughts” on this blend are. I do like it, but it’s still feeling really weird to me. Maybe it’s something I’d include in a future Harney order, though I can’t picture ever being at a point/place where I’d need a whole 4 oz. of it. I’d probably swap for a smaller portion, though!
How do you know what tile you are at? I just got a score and my score when past 2048 so I was confused.
Oh my gosh, I obsessively played that until I got 2048. I thought it would be over, but now I just keep playing to try to get it again!
My favourite thing about this sample from VariaTEA? The overwhelming lack of spices!
I don’t understand the need to load pumpkin teas up with this abundance of spice; the two aren’t mutually exclusive! In fact, when I eat Pumpkin Pie the last thing I notice is the spices – instead I pick up on the natural creaminess, and the pulpiness of the fruit. To me, this blend tastes like how pumpkin guts smell when you’re scooping out a pumpkin to carve it. No spices; just that kind of fresh, pulpy aroma! I saw the word “melon” mentioned in someone’s tasting note, and that’s a fairly apt comparison, I think. Not spot on – but it sort of gets the general idea across. It’s “fruity”.
On top of that, there’s a borderline “pie crust” taste that’s sort of there, but not quite (I actually wish it was stronger) and I think that adds just enough dimension to this blend. I quite like this one, and I’m sad that one or two more cups and I’ll be out – I think this would be my “pumpkin tea” of choice to restock other than, perhaps, DT’s Pumpkin Chai. The two are really, really different though – so it wouldn’t feel like too much having both of them stocked up.
This is probably the best Herbal Infusions blend I’ve tried thus far.
Flavors: Melon
So last night, after remembering how surprisingly good Oh Canada! was as a cold brew, I decided to use some of this to try out a cold brew – hoping for similar results and knowing that worst case scenario I’d have just burned through a bunch of leaf which is the goal anyway.
I’m happy to report that this is so good as a cold brew! All the oilyness and scum that I’ve been complaining about as of late isn’t present at all, and instead it’s like drinking liquid vanilla cake batter! It’s a refreshing contrast from the mediocre (if you can even call them that; it might be too kind of a description) hot cups I’ve been drinking.
Yup, the remainder of this is TOTALLY going to be finished off by cold brewing it! Hooray for an ever quicker sipdown!
I always enjoy this one so much when I have it; so why don’t I have it more often? I always seem to forget that it’s in my cupboard…
I know why! Because I’m an idiot!
Also I seem to have developed a routine or ‘ritual’, if you will, that, whenever I do steep this one up, I stick a dry leaf in my mouth and suck on it the whole time this is steeping. It’s delicious! Sort of like having a caramel in your mouth, except you refuse to chew it and it’s very long lasting…
I’ve held onto this sample from Janelle for so long, I figured it was time to finally try it – especially because I need to sip down/finish of some of my Genmaicha so I can feel justified in opening my Marshmallow Treat, which I’ve been talking about for what seems like ages but still haven’t tried.
I think this blend in discontinued now, and that’s a shame! It was really, really good! In fact, I thought it was up there as the best “Genmaicha” (in quotations, because it’s not really just a Genmaicha) I’ve had – and that’s probably because there wasn’t a hint of “green tea” to it and it was all roasty toasty tastiness! Thankfully I still have a few more cups left.
But yes, right now my ideal Genmaicha/Roasty tea lineup (the ones I’d restock) is:
1. Soba Cha (Harney & Sons)
It’s a herbal, and just really good…
2. Razzleberry Genmaicha (52Teas)
Because it’s fun and not just a straight up Genmaicha blend; there are other contrasting flavour notes that make it unique.
3. Genmai Hojicha (DAVIDsTEA)
For the reasons already mentioned in this note; though since it’s discontinued I’ll just have to be happy with another plain Genmaicha with strong roastiness to it.
I love the idea of a Genmai Hojicha and frequently toy with the idea of making my own, I wonder what it would be like with sobacha as well as the genmai?
I think my lineup is (1) Nina’s Japon (although who didn’t see that coming :P), (2) Soba because it is awesome, (3) Probably one of the Marshmallow Treats/S’mores Genmaicha. Honorable mention goes to Sara’s Tea Caddie’s Gemai Hojicha.
I had totally forgotten that VariaTEA had sent me such a large amount of this blend, so when I was looking through my sample drawer in the kitchen for some much needed caffeine free blends to offset all the caffeinated teas I’ve had today I was really pleasantly surprised to find such a large amount of this one!
I should really be working towards more sipdowns; but I couldn’t resist. I brewed myself up a cup of this, and I am so pleased I still find it as delicious as remembered. I really love that the coconut in this is so creamy and thick feeling, and I like that the woodiness of the rooibos somehow translates into a graham pie crust type thing. This one feels like it should have a whipped cream pillow and maraschino cherry on top. Something sweet, indulgent, and fun!
Anyway, after sorting through the sample drawer I’ve dredged up more roobios blends to have tomorrow; blends which had sunk to the bottom of the giant pile or been pushed to the back of the drawer – so I’m excited to work some new teas into tomorrow’s line up! It really feels like, lately, I’ve had a bit of a rooibos/herbal tea shortage…
I’ve also noticed lately that I don’t have a lot of caffeine-free blends to sip in the evenings. Any particular recommendations?
Looking through my wishlist, I’m seeing a lot of rooibos/honeybush blends, many of which contain fruit or caramel flavours. I’m also interested in trying some floral herbals like linden or elderflower/elderberry, since I sometimes enjoy elderflower soda.
River tea has decent fruit blends….verdant has an elderberry herbal as well. As a couple others….Della terra has nice rooibos blends of heathy creamier variety
Second time having this one, and I’m still loving it. In fact, I think I’m loving it even more. Definitely a good sign! Also, I’m really happy that I’ve found enough Harney blends I enjoy that (once I’m out of all three) I could place a good, solid Harney order and not feel like that sort of high shipping price was unjustified!
Hooray for Boston, Wedding Tea, and now Soba Cha (which is just so fun to say, right?).
Also, oddly enough, I got cocoa notes in this cup. Not that I’m complaining; it was just a little unexpected.
Flavors: Cocoa
Loam? Fancy!
Basically like clay… First tea I’ve been able to apply it to :P
Haha yes that’s neat. Also, I love that loam is a flavour but pumpkin or raspberry aren’t. :P
I’ve come to the conclusion that the flavours list is more accurate when trying to describe straight blends than flavoured ones. Think about it; how often do you see Apricot, Citrus or Raisin as flavour descriptors for straight teas (Stacy’s tea descriptions for her straight blacks spring to mind) in contrast to flavours like Pumpkin, Raspberry or Apple. The former aren’t really “natural” flavours in straight blends. Loam, baked bread, tobacco or grass in a straight blend? Not as much of a stretch.
Very true! Brilliant. Although, I wish I could add flavours to all my teas.