16967 Tasting Notes
Taken with milk, in my timolino. Most of this I drank before work though, when I was waiting for the bus to go to work (I was lazy and didn’t want to walk since it was miserable outside). It was half raining/snowing outside, and really cold – basically it felt like the start of winter, all over again. Bleck.
So while the weather really sucked, all in all it was kind of the perfect backdrop to this tea, which is definitely a colder day/winter type of tea. And this was so good; gingerbread/molasses all the way with maybe the faintest touch of pineapple sweetness on the end. And the milk made it really thick and creamy. Mmm!
It was a good pick for the day.
It was this or White Chocolate match whisked into cold milk, and I decided I was in more of a hot tea mood tonight. Also I wanted to save the milk for some cooking tomorrow.
This is delicious though; super rich, thick, and creamy double churned vanilla icecream is what it reminds me of (and that’s with no milk added). It might not be “eggnog” but it is amazingly flavoured, and something everyone should try once. Mmm!
Hot in a timolino; no added things (though I was tempted to add milk).
This is/was the last of my work teas to be drunk, and I had it on the walk home. It was really good; sticky cinnamon sugar icing/glaze. The last little bit was especially sweet and thick and creamy. There were moments when I more so got cinnamon bun and vanilla icing and moments where I got cream cheese and spice cake.
My walk home from work was kind of interesting though. Abdul, one of the cashiers who was let go, stayed late after work today (he was off at nine, and I was off at ten) and walked home with me. He only lives two blocks from me, so it’s not like it was out of his way, but it was a kind of nice thing to do, I guess?
It’s a little sad his last shift is tomorrow. He’s a sweet kid…
God! How old does that make me sound? He’s only two years younger than me (and I’m not that old to begin with) but there’s such a maturity gap. I sound ancient when I refer to people as “kids” when they’re teenagers.
Cold brewed around 12 hours and brought to work. I drank it over my lunch break…
The idea of cold brewing this one comes from wanting to find a cold brewed coconut replacement for Coconut Grove, which I just ran out of. This is the first of several teas I plan to field test as a replacement.
All in all, this was pretty good cold brewed; the coconut was strong and concentrated and the lavender/rooibos were both there, but not too overpowering. It definitely didn’t reach perfume levels which is good because hot this can sometimes get close to that line.
However, it still didn’t come close to meeting what Coconut Grove was capable of delivering so I guess I’m going to have to keep trying blends out.
I’m running out of this at an alarmingly fast rate…
Anyway; I made it in a timolino today and brought it to work. It was it’s usual, spectacular self; smokey peach with a rich, creamy peach yogurt finish. Delicious! The fun part of drinking this one, though, was that I drank it over the course of about two hours of being paid to stare at hot construction workers.
And of course, by that I mean that today in the store some construction workers came in to fix our back door for us (it wasn’t shutting properly or something like that; which was a security hazard) and I had to sit with them the whole time they were working to disarm the alarm every time they shut and re-shut the door (also, I’m pretty sure part of it was making sure they didn’t steal, too). They worked for close to two hours, and I only had to disarm the door maybe three times? Most of it was sitting and drinking tea.
It was a great, relaxing (and entertaining) way to spend a few hours of an otherwise busy shift. Yay for tea and hot construction workers!
I’m internally freaking the fuck out right now. For several reason though – some of which are tea related, and some of which are not.
1. This cup is sweet and fruity, and buttery and pastry like, and nutty and just DELICIOUS. It’s heaven in a cup, and very needed to help keep me from freaking out even more about reason #2.
2. I just finished watching the double eviction episode of BBCan2 and it was an emotional roller-coaster of emotions and hurt. On one hand, some of my favourites got more power and are safe and on the other one of my favourites (the sexy bearded guy) was blindsided and sent home. Literal fangirl tears right now…
3. I’m almost out of this tea, which is crushing. Not sure when I’ll be able to buy more again…
4. I burnt all of my mozza fingers, and that was supper for the night. Boo.
With milk in a timolino.
So, I drank half of this with just the milk and it was good; extra buttery with butterscotch notes in addition to the coconut. That said, it wasn’t as stellar as it once was to me; but still a very solid and consistent blend.
I got creative with the last half, though. At work we sell these “instant flavoured milk” straws in chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla and someone bought a pack of the Strawberry ones for break but didn’t like them so she offered me one of them. I tried it out with this tea. Basically you just drink out of the straw and it makes what you’re drinking taste like strawberries…
Yeah, not doing that again. It was weird in a bad way.
Sad Sipdown (174/176)…
I cold brewed the last of it and took it to work, and now I’m sad…
Although I will admit that this last cold brew was less than stellar; it tasted pretty musty, actually. Even though that’s one bad cold brew out of many, many fantastic ones it does help ease the blow and make mourning this one a little more tolerable.
I’m gonna try cold brewing my other coconut teas though to see if there’s something suitable as a replacement, starting with DT’s Jessie’s Tea blend and then probably trying Butiki’s Coconut Creme Pie. I just feel they wont have the same “lightness” the white tea base gave this one…
Well folks, after half a year of living together it finally happened; Tre saw me naked.
I just got home from work, and thought he was sleeping so I decided to strip down in the laundry room and change into some fresh clothing from the dryer. This is something I never do, so it’s one of those “The one time I was naked and not in my room…” type scenarios – my work clothing was just so uncomfortable and sweaty from doing stock all day! Our laundry room is right between the living room/his room and the washroom, and it has no door – so he got up to pee and well, the rest is the rest.
It’s awkward and I felt my Steepster family should share in the awkwardness. It was bound to happen eventually though, I guess…
Anyway, this tea! I made it in a timolino with lots of milk, and then drank it on break. Man was it good! The pumpkin was extra creamy and thick (probably because of the milk) and the sometimes hidden caramel notes were really present too (definitely because of the milk). Mmm!
You should all be jelly.
Lol. I’m sorry that happened to you, but I have to admit reading that made me giggle. It’s one of those made-for-a-sitcom moments. :)
Sorry to hear about your awkward moment… Although like Veronica, You made me laugh. I love how you share crazy little details of your life. I hope the awkwardness wears away quickly!
Omg! I thought you were going to be like “well folks, the inevitable happened. Tree and I hooked up!”
My RiverTea fan girl colours are showing today.
Someone recently review this, and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head since. I’ve been hording because I’m running a little low, and until recently I couldn’t afford to buy more – but now that I’m not so financially strapped I allowed myself to satisfy my cravings and steep up a giant mug for tonight.
Which is what I did. And just; mmm!
Sweet caramel, fruit, ambrosia, nectar of the Gods!
Someday I’ll serve this at my wedding. Ok, maybe not (though hopefully if I get married, we will incorporate tea into the ceremony in a big way) – but I wouldn’t feel ashamed to serve this at my wedding! That counts for something.
Also, I’m nudging up my rating.