16936 Tasting Notes
So, I was able to make a cup of this one and one of Prairie Berry right before our water got switched off, after which I was limited almost entirely to the water already in my kettle – which was heartbreaking, and I’m going to probably incorrectly blame for why I was so sick these last few days! My logic being that it was partially so severe from dehydration, because I had no water supply after the water was shut off, and we had no warning that it was being shut off until it happened (otherwise I would have filled pitchers with water and such). I also got to stew in my own stink for three days, because there was no water for a shower and I don’t know anyone in the city where I could just be like “Hey, can I come over a take a bath at your place?”.
Anyway, in regard to this one – I actually got the two cups mixed up to the point where I wasn’t sure which was this blend and which was Prairie Berry. They tasted so similar that I couldn’t tell them apart at all. It probably doesn’t help that this was my first time trying this one so I didn’t have much going in the way of previous association to help with that.
But, I really like Prairie Berry, so I guess I really like this one too? I don’t know – I guess I’ll hold off on rating it for now.
Made this as a cold brew (18 hour total brew time), and then ended up sharing most of it with my Dad while he was up in the city for the day which was ok because it was a nice thing to do, but also made me sad because I really wanted to hoard this one and keep it to myself since I’m only about a cup away from a sipdown.
It’s just so good. I’ve nudged my rating up a little bit as well, to reflect that.
Actually, I was grocery shopping the other day and went looking for Passion Fruit because of this tea and how it’s made me fall in love with Passion Fruit all over again, but sadly I couldn’t find any. I guess it’s probably not the right season at all.
This tea is kind of turning into a nightmare tea for me. First I loved it – greatly, and couldn’t get enough. And then it just tasted horrible and nasty and “turned”, so I dialed back the amount of leaf I was using an it was ‘ok’ – but still not the same wonderful peppermint it was before. And now this…
When I went to make my timolino full of it (I thought it’d be a kinda neat Valentine’s Day themed tea), I was portioning out the leaf when I found ‘shell’, if you will, of a dead maggot. I wish I had taken a picture, but my stomach was so turned that I just acted on impulse and dumped the whole tin worth in the trash immediately. I then remembered I had a 25g package from someone as a gift, and I prepared some of that instead, but the whole time I couldn’t get the maggot out of my head, and I just felt so sick drinking the timolino worth that in the end I dumped the 25g package too, making this a very much unintended sipdown.
I also don’t think I’ll be able to ever get more of this. The experience has really, really ruined this one for me completely and the only satisfaction I have is knowing that I gave about 40g of the “bug infested” batch to that asshole James, whom I was sort of dating a few months ago. He was such a dick, that I think it’d only be right if he ended up drinking some maggot tea.
Anyway, I think it goes without saying that I’ve drastically reduced my rating on this one, though I haven’t made it horribly low either because I want to reflect that this was, at one point, my favourite tea and also the bug thing is a pretty much entirely isolated incident.
NO. NO no no no no! no bugz nope. but BUT seriously? maybe the story about giving jerkface some of the tea is kinda totally worth it. life is poetry sometimes.
EEEEWWW!!! well that was just gross! I don’t think I can ever buy that tea again knowing that. I think I’ll inspect my stash of it before I put it in a bag…
And I absolutely stored it properly, plus is wasn’t that old. Maybe four months old? In total, I think I tossed about 80g worth of Peppermint Amour. Lets just say, there’s no Amour on my end right now…
Also, what really makes me sick is the fact I found “most” of a maggot. Where did the other part of it go? Probably into one of the cups I made…
Ew Ew ew……I absolutely hate bugs. I can’t imagine finding one in my tea…and I have 50g of this tea currently lol and I drink it quite often, I will inspect my bag as soon as I get home! Yuck, sorry you had to go through that experience! :(
Made in my timolino to sip on throughout the day. Overall, this timolino worth turned out surprisingly weak in flavour – which is not something I ever thought I’d say about this blend. Despite being watery, it was still ok though.
A fairly solid fruity chai.
Flavors: Apricot, Cinnamon
Finally tried this one, which was the last of my BF order! I think that pretty much means I’ve tried all the Butiki in my cupboard, currently? Yay for mini accomplishments, right?
Sadly, I don’t really recall much about the flavour of this one because it was my first encounter and also four days ago – but I do remember thinking that the taste was much lighter than I was expecting because the smell is definitely as strong as Flowery Pineapple, and that one has a powerful taste to accompany the powerful smell. I also recall it was enjoyable, overall.
I definitely need to revisit sooner rather than later so I can properly review.
Somehow this seemed like a good Valentine’s tea to me, maybe because of the flowers/floral sort of association? Regardless of whether it fit the theme or not, it certainly tasted lovely like usual. I doubt I’ll ever get sick of this one, which is good because I just cracked open my 100g bag of it.
This was kind of my attempt at picking a “Valentine’s Day” themed tea to drink, and it was pretty good. Definitely sweet with a clear nougat taste, though this cup was less nutty than I recall the first one tasting.
I still have a few cups worth left from my sample, but I could see this maybe being something to restock.
A little, but not overwhelmingly so. I’ll save a cup worth for you and send it with the rest of your package.
Yay! It will be nice to try a few more of their teas. By the way, you enjoyed Pineapple Upside Down Cake by Della Terra, right?
I did. If you’re sending another package though, I already have around an oz of it – and my cupboard is larger enough as is ;)
Haha. I was planning on slipping the rest of my sample into the next package I send because I really was not a fan. I can keep it out if you would prefer.
Also, I noticed your cupboard size. Yours is almost 100 teas greater than mine :P
Wow it’s been a while…
It looks like I have four days of backlog to catch up on. Shit. Though thanks to certain circumstances over the last few days that’s not too many teas to log. Basically, my Dad and brother came over on Saturday all day which kept me off the computer all day and also restricted how much tea I could get through. He did take my laptop with him to get repaired though, so I should have that back in a couple of weeks. Hooray! And then, all subsequent days a combination of being horribly sick, Tre not having work/school, and our water being shut off up until 10PM last night was responsible for minimal tea drinkage and not being able to log anything.
Also not being able to job hunt, which fucking sucks.
So anyway, time to travel back to four days ago and begin logging! Starting with this one, which was a cold brew. It was interesting as a cold brew because all the pronounced fruit flavours were still there, but the mate’s flavour seemed to match them. Overall, I’d say it was pretty good and definitely fruity/refreshing – but not as good as this one is hot.
Total cold brew time was 12 hours.
And that concludes the backlog! Yay!
This was the last tea of the night, which I sort of enjoyed while watching old episodes of The Big Fat Quiz of The Year. The sort of enjoyed is more a reflection on the tea, which was really weak in flavour despite being overleafed, and not a reflection of the TV show which was very enjoyable and super funny.
(Russel Brand is such a great comedian – I don’t care if you disagree. It is practically fact.)