Thank you VariaTEA for the sample. Yet another DT Mate to check off the list of ones to try, which is always a good thing.
Dry this smells very tart and fruity – not sure if I’d call it “berry” per say, but definitely fruity. Steeped it smells familiar, but not totally sure where from. I have to say, I’m a little disappointed though because I was bracing myself for horrifying mouth puckering tart and instead I taste… Like, a semi tart but also kid of muted hibiscus/berry jumble? Maybe it’s the earthy mate kind of holding this back? But it doesn’t taste anything really like what I was expecting. Also, the aftertaste strongly reminds me of beets. Ew.
Maybe it’s an unfair comparison, but I think McQuarrie’s Rum Cream would be much more fitting of the title “Queen of Tarts”. This is just… No thanks.
I guess I’ll try cold brewing it, but right now I’m a little less than impressed and I’m struggling a lot to get over the beets thing because it’s just so unappealing. I do not want to be drinking a hibiscus/berry/beet juice cocktail.
Also – it took me forever to right this note because I’m incredibly distracted by Season 9 of Bones (just finished the wedding episode), and Teens/Elders/YouTubers React episodes. That is distracting shit right there.
And… THE MAIL IS HERE! My/Tre’s Classic Who books from Carol Who arrived today (I’m especially loving all the tea/Doctor who quotes on the page you printed out), and the tea from Keychange showed up today too. Definitely going to have to make some Boston later today! I’m also happy to report that I’m still under 200 for the time being.
EDIT: More than half of this got dumped.
I’m glad they are finally there. Apparently Media Mail is slooow. It was cheap but I know people have been looking for them and I’m sorry about the delay. Enjoy!
Not worried about the delay at all! In fact, I didn’t even notice how long it took – it was a pretty average wait time for things from the States :)
CLASSIC WHO BOOKS, YAY!!! high fives
I’m glad they are finally there. Apparently Media Mail is slooow. It was cheap but I know people have been looking for them and I’m sorry about the delay. Enjoy!
Not worried about the delay at all! In fact, I didn’t even notice how long it took – it was a pretty average wait time for things from the States :)
Hooray for still being under 200 though I am sorry you didn’t enjoy this tea.