New Tasting Notes
Second steep was way way better. I can taste the floural sweetness. When I think of Chinese tea, I think of this. It tastes like China to me, if that makes sense. I also learned that the fuzzys on the leaves weren’t mold but the leaves curling and turning silver. Silver tipped. This tea isn’t awesome. In fact, I’d go so far as to say I don’t care for it much.
I have no business continuing to drink this tea. I’ve had it for 8+ years. Seriously. I’m not kidding about that.
But the tin it’s in is sealed really tightly and believe it or not, the flavor and scent are still in tact. Not bad for a cheap-o black tea I bought a pound of for a mere $5.
I have fond memories of this tea, originally drinking it in college, when I was just starting my tea exploration. Sometimes it just does the trick.
(Here’s a pointer to my story of rediscovering this tea on my shelf: )
My first cake and it’s delicious. I was nervous to steep a cake, but it went well. Very similar to Maidens Ecstasy from Samovar. Dark, sweet and flavoursome but not overpowering. Very nice morning blend. First steep at 3 minutes, second just as good at 1.5 minutes.