The first time I brewed this tea it was literally on a whim. I had just bought it, ripped it open, scooped out 2 tspns and eagerly dumped it into “hot” water. I was initally scared it might not have been hot enough, but it is a green blend, so I hoped for the best. Turned out to be for the best! It was delicious! :)
I could taste “fiji apples” and a slight “fruit punch” flavor, which I am guessing is the kiwi taste? I really didn’t get much kiwi. I could detect a hint of kiwi, but not much. No biggie for me though.
Second time around I think I made the water TOO hot, because I wasn’t able to get that fruity taste. The green tea is all I can taste second time around.
I would probably buy this again because its relatively cheap and easy to get down at Mejier, or at the Giant Eagle near my work place. I would also buy this again because I like the taste. :)
Flavors: Apple, Fruity, Green