so last night, i couldn’t leave well enough alone after my cozy Candy Cane green tea to ease into sleep, so i brewed up a cup of Paris at 12:30 in the morning. haha.
today, i decided to try its twin: blackcurrant ‘seemingly blueberry’ jam!!! this, my friends, is Paris in its birthday suit! if only for the fact that it contains no bergamot, vanilla or caramel aside from the blackcurrant; they taste pretty much identical!
i was lucky enough to find a 50-bag box of this at Fairway for $5.49! what? i’m lucky to find boxes of 20 for upwards of $3 but i digress.. the Harney & Sons tea gods were shining down on me…what a great find. they also had some of the classics such as Earl Grey, as well as Hot Cinnamon Spice & Organic Green with Citrus and Ginkgo….all in boxes of 50 for 5.49. what an economical way to sample some of their teas. i’m impressed.
since i knew that blackcurrant was the key flavor in Paris, i thought, why not try their Blackcurrant? i figured i couldn’t go wrong; i figured right. really, if i didn’t know any better, i would think this was Paris. i also wouldn’t know it wasn’t loose leaf!
whatever they put in their bags is of very high quality, at least judging by this box. i’m inclined to throw my hands up in the air because i just struck gold with some of my favorite tea!
the color of the liquor is a gorgeous amber red that darkens pretty quickly, and the taste is just delicious. it’s luscious and fruity, with berries all around. i think the only thing you won’t get from the teabags that you would in the loose leaf is the abundantly fragrant experience upon opening the bag.
Flavors: Berries
I like this one, too.
Do you like this more than Ahmad BC?