So here we go! I think I am going to edit this one post as I go with my tastings. It is going to be easier to keep it organized that way.
Bolivia Green – Wow! I am absolutely loving it. The leaves are long and rolled up a bit, they steep into bright yellow color that, to me, usually means it is going to be a delicious green. The aroma is flowery and syrupy, it tastes like a cross between a dragonwell and a maltier gunpowder. It has creamy mouthfeel to it. As it cools, I detect a really shy notes of bitterness. It is really yummy and I wish I knew where to get more of this potion! :D 90/100
Darjeeling 1st Flush #3 – This was very subtle and unassuming, with no bitterness. I love the color of the leaves, it almost looks like a green tea! The liquor was also pretty light for a black tea. I detected some flowery notes as well as some mild citrusy ones. It was good, although lacked character a bit. 78/100