This tea was a generous gift from CrowKettle :)
I packed up a servings worth of leaf to take to work with me this morning without really researching the tea first. I’ve never seen shu leaf that looked quite like this, but I didn’t think much of it, and rushed off to work. I brewed up my first steep as soon as I got here, and then checked out the Steepster page for it. I had no idea that CrowKettle had sent me such a treasure! I’ve never had the opportunity to try a puerh tea this old! Apparently it can go for 30 steeps??? I will definitely have to find a way to transport my wet leaves home with me after work so I can continue the adventure :D
As per my usual style for shu, I’m steeping this one “Western-ish” which is somewhere in between Verdant’s recommendation for Western style brewing of this tea, and the Xingyang Workshop’s Recommendation.
I’ve never had anything quite like this one! I’m used to shu tasting very earthy and foresty. This one DOES taste like ancient books and wood. Yet somehow it is very sweet and CLEAN. I’m upset because the air is so dry here, my sinuses aren’t quite right today and I’m sure I’m not experiencing this taste and smell fully. (so glad I have enough leaf to try it a few more times!)
Immediately after tasting, Esme by Joanna Newsom was playing in my head, so I will be listening to her lovely harp music while drinking it ALL DAY today.
“I believe love will always surround you
Brave as a bear with a heart rare and true
But if you are scared, if you are blue
I have prepared this small song for you:
Sweet Esme! Sweet Esme!"
I’ll update on subsequent steeps of this tea today in the comments if I feel it necessary :)
First off, I love this tea, I hoard this tea. It is definitely a rare treat! I’m glad you’re getting to try it!
On a secondary note, Joanna Newsom! So unique, so fun. I was so thrilled when her music was used on a tv commercial :) There are harp players who have a disdain for her, especially her vocals. The Harp world is full of closed minded prima donnas, who view anything that isn’t classical as sacrilegious, much like the piano teacher of my youth. I’m grateful not to be one of them, & I consider Joanna to be wonderfully original. I love the heavy duty classical stuff, whether playing it or listening to it, but I also love jazz, rock, & pretty much everything else. As a songwriter myself, I love other harpists that are willing to take the untrod path, to find their own unique expression on this awesome instrument. I mean really, in my opinion, that is the true purpose of life, to find your own path & enjoy it, being as unique & creative as you can along the way! And loving people, of course, & drinking lots of tea, & savoring each moment!!
I wondered if you would notice my mentioning a fellow harp player today, Terri :)
I’m a big fan of Joanna! I generally love artists who use classical instruments but have a non-traditional pop or rock flavor to their music. And she is SO unique! Zoe Keating on cello is another artist in that vein who comes to mind :)
I want to drink ancient books!
I would go Gongfu style ;)
Yeah, I definitely will next time, boychik. I had no idea what I was getting myself into! haha
pls update us. too bad this tea is not in stock
First off, I love this tea, I hoard this tea. It is definitely a rare treat! I’m glad you’re getting to try it!
On a secondary note, Joanna Newsom! So unique, so fun. I was so thrilled when her music was used on a tv commercial :) There are harp players who have a disdain for her, especially her vocals. The Harp world is full of closed minded prima donnas, who view anything that isn’t classical as sacrilegious, much like the piano teacher of my youth. I’m grateful not to be one of them, & I consider Joanna to be wonderfully original. I love the heavy duty classical stuff, whether playing it or listening to it, but I also love jazz, rock, & pretty much everything else. As a songwriter myself, I love other harpists that are willing to take the untrod path, to find their own unique expression on this awesome instrument. I mean really, in my opinion, that is the true purpose of life, to find your own path & enjoy it, being as unique & creative as you can along the way! And loving people, of course, & drinking lots of tea, & savoring each moment!!
I wondered if you would notice my mentioning a fellow harp player today, Terri :)
I’m a big fan of Joanna! I generally love artists who use classical instruments but have a non-traditional pop or rock flavor to their music. And she is SO unique! Zoe Keating on cello is another artist in that vein who comes to mind :)
Terri, I always wondered if you liked Joanna’s music. :D
I like almost everybody’s music!