I finally made my A Quarter to Tea order after having had this tea (and Spumoni) on my watch list for a while.
When I opened up the bag I was greeted with a very strong cherry cordial scent. For me, this was awesome. I love cherry cordials. A lot. Like, I can’t buy them for myself because I will eat the entire sleeve of them in entirely too quick of a fashion. But yes, the scent of this is very strong. If you aren’t as enamored with cherries, this might be too strong for you.
I had to assume that the scent couldn’t transfer to the taste in the same degree of strength. And I was right… but not in a bad way. When brewed, the cherry chocolate flavors are there but mellowed out. A bit of the oolong flavor is allowed to shine through. Which, to be honest, I had almost forgotten about it being an oolong due to the smell being so prominent. But yes, the oolong flavor is there and right next to it is cherry and chocolate or cherry cordial, if you use your imagination.
The flavors all meld together pretty evenly actually. This is during the sip. Much to my pleasant surprise, the after taste is where the cherry chocolate flavors come back a bit stronger. I would find myself almost smacking my lips after and between sips because the left over flavor almost made it seem that I had, in fact, eaten a chocolate covered cherry. I let a cup of this go cold before I drank it and that was still a tasty treat.
Hot or cold, this is one of the few flavored blends that I have come across that even comes close to duplicating the flavor from the scent it gives off. Nicely done.
Flavors: Cherry, Chocolate, Sweet