Brewed this with the wrong temp this morning lol, I am so tired I didn’t feel like looking it up online lol. But still a decent tea, although again muted by the travel mug and the steep temp being lower than it should be. Still some mild cream/honey notes, hopefully this tea also isn’t too old that it’s losing it’s flavor.
Funny, I just read my note and it said my sleep schedule was screwed up 10 months ago and I was going to fix it on the weekend..I feel like that again today, 10 months later lol. I am proud to say I have made a habit of going running at least twice a week, 5 km each time I go minimum! This has been ongoing since about the start of April, I am very pleased I have finally kept up with it. But anyways, that could be contributing to my sleepy state this week, just an accumulation of no sleep. Gahhh. Today I am off at 1:30 from work though, so I will go home and sleep hopefully if I am tired enough :P
See previous notes on this tea!
It was difficult to start and keep with it, I did get a lot of encouragement from my bf to keep going. Hoping I can keep going through the summer! Hot days are not fun though haha.
Running is great. Im too lazy and tired. i probably need some buddy
It was difficult to start and keep with it, I did get a lot of encouragement from my bf to keep going. Hoping I can keep going through the summer! Hot days are not fun though haha.
Good for you! But I hope the mosquitoes won’t start to attack you. :)
@ Fjellrev me too! So far so good :) I try to wear long sleeves and longer pants as well to minimize exposed skin lol, we’ll see how that goes when its 25+ though..