Another sample I picked up on Friday. This smelled super interesting dry, cranberry with a hint of cream and the rooibos balancing everything nicely. It was interesting because I haven’t had many cranberry teas, especially a rooibos, and you really could smell it in there! Very autumny.
I steeped it for around 5 minutes. Steeped, it mostly smells like rooibos. Boo :( as for the flavor, ehh I get a mild cranberry note, but a sweetish cranberry, so a bit medicinal. Not much cream, maybe a little bit? But yeah, mostly rooibos. A smooth rooibos at least, but I was hoping for a heavier cream flavor, something akin to Lemon Chiffon by Della Terra but with cranberries. I will try this again at a later date with a longer steeping time, as I still have enough for a few cups in my sample. A bit disappointing, but still happy to have tried it, and works well with my alternating of caffeinated/non caffeinated teas so that I don’t get caffeine crazed :)