615 Tasting Notes
1.5 tsp Coconut (Adagio)
1 tsp Lemon Soleil (Adagio)
12 oz water
I didn’t have enough for a full cup of either, so the bits at the bottom of the tins ended up in a thermos in my fridge together.
After it was done, I added a little milk, a little brown sugar, and the tea into a shaker and hoped for the best.
It’s surprisingly good like this, which I find strange because I’m not big on either of these alone. The lemon flavor is subtle, with coconut reigning as the king flavor. There’s a nice creaminess supplied by adding milk, as well. Are lemon coconut macaroons a thing? Because I’m pretty sure this is what they taste like.
Rating: 71/100
I drank this cold steeped back-to-back with some Midsummer Night’s Dream (also cold steeped) from Georgia Tea Company, and I definitely like that one better. The flavor here is definitely more mango-y, but it also has a floral edge to it, that doesn’t really work here for me. It also strikes me as less natural tasting.
I still rather like this tea, and it’s quite good for what it is but I did lower the score a bit because I didn’t find it nearly as enjoyable as I did last time.
This weekend was so nice! R&R all the way. Did a tube float down a river, went fishing (read: sat in the boat while other people fished), did some kayaking and swimming. Just so nice to get away!
Thank you momo for this one :)
This was the perfect tea to end my relaxing day yesterday! It has a lightly tropical feel with the watermelon and peach. I can’t really find the kiwi, but I didn’t look that hard either.
I really enjoy that the flavors are light enough that they don’t cover the green tea (which feels a little delicate). It’s smooth and vegetal and the sip is really gentle.
Definitely make this one with cooler water! The base seems like it can get a little sharp if you start inching into 180 and up.
Last backlog! (But still a cold steep)
I definitely ended up liking this more iced. The roastiness of the base doesn’t come through and overpower the peach flavor. There’s a slight tartness here too that I liked. It made the whole cup feel juicier and like eating a cool, fresh peach.
Aaaaaand another backlog. (And cold steep).
This was kind of a mystery tea last night. I couldn’t for the life of me rememeber what it was until this morning. But after drinking the other tea in the fridge (most of which was labeled) I figured it out.
The bitterness and astringency in the base disappears this way (for the better). I really like the apricot notes with the light peachiness. It didn’t seemed quite so dessert/candy like this way either. The ginger was also more subtle and added a bit of depth.
Another backlog from Thursday.
This one got stuck in the fridge, too and the sample came from Shelley_Lorraine (thanks!)
It tasted like a fluffy mint flavored marshmallow! I’m definitely getting some sweetness too. The base flavor is really light, and can seem to get lost, but it’s smooth and compliments the tea well.
I can definitely see Graveyard Mist on this one. It kind of reminds me of fog and bright green Scooby Doo-esque spectres.
So! My alernator died in my car Wednesday (which was just a horrible day for me in general, but this was kind of the cherry on top). I had just finished up a really awful consulting job that ended up taking far longer than it needed too because of repeated hang ups, and I stopped at my parents’ house. My dad’s on business, so it was just my mom and the dogs and almost 9 pm, so I left after maybe 60-90 minutes.
I get in my car and it seems to start okay, and I get about 2 miles from my house and everything just goes south. First my ABS brakes disable, and at this point I’m like. ‘Well. That sucks.’ Then my dash lights start dimming just little by little. Then my airbags disable and my air conditioning flips off. Then the radio. And at this point I’m not quite panicking, but I am bargaining with my car. “Rememeber all the fun drives we’ve had together? Just a little further, baby.” “I’ll get you that fancy oil you wanted if you get me home. I know you can do it.” Then the headlights just die. From there I’m driving down a county highway, no headlights, keeping my fingers crossed I both don’t get pulled over, and make it home.
I didn’t realise I was holding my breath until I was parked and the car was off. Needless to say, it won’t start now.
I’ve been on an iced tea kick since Wednesday now for whatever reason. I probably have about six thermoses lined up in my fridge right now. It’s pretty awesome.
So, backlogging from yesterday.
I finished off the sample shmiracles sent me of this as a cold brew. And I think I like it better this way. I added a few points onto the score, as well, because I didn’t expect to enjoy this cup as much as I did
I really liked how strongly the vanilla and cream came though. It had a definitely vanilla flavor with almost a milky-flavor quality. The blackberry is really syrupy and it didn’t need any sweetener.
I could definitely see myself picking this up down the road.
Backlogging a cold steep of this from Wednesday (I think?)!
I got this in a trade with adagio breeze (thank you!)
Sweet and lemony with a very light veggie/broccoli-esque note from the green tea and an even lighter nondescript floral note. Didn’t much care for the aftertaste, though, and I’m having a hard time getting past that.
This one came from KallieBoo! and smells so good.
It definitely smells like dark chocolate and raspberries — lovely jammy candy-like raspberries.
Taste-wise, the chocolate is more of an unsweetened cocoa note which I might prefer more as it’s less cloying and waxy that way. The raspberry doesn’t immediately come though until the tail of the sip and it’s definitely jammy and sweet raspberry.
Milk and sugar (or the simple syrup I had around) go a long way in making this decadant and more chocolatey. Unfortunately, I can’t get the raspberry to pop to a degree I’d like it and have better chocolate raspberry truffle teas floating around.
(’Sides, I like mine with a hint of Brandy)
This sample came from shmiracles, and in all honesty — I might have been putting this one off because the combination of ingredients terrifies me. Lapsang and I have a rocky relationship. One where I drink it and it hits me with a flaming campfire log and laughs. But thank you shmiracles for sharing your most coveted tea treasure. Even if it terrifies me.
I was worried this was going to be a big old cup of NOPE, but I’m surprised that I don’t outright hate it. The Lapsang isn’t quite as potent as I feared (it’s only a kindling thwap instead of the full log) and the rest of the cup is just weird. The peppermint in there leaves my mouth tingling and the Lapsang leaves my mouth tasting like I just burped smoke.
Yes. I am the mighty Smaug.
It also inspired me to toss this together: