615 Tasting Notes

drank Red Hot by American Tea Room
615 tasting notes

Oh boo. I think the feed is broken, again

Hmm, I think I was expecting more spice. I mean, come on. It’s called Red Hot.

There’s definitely a spicy, nipping element, and that does increase as the cup cools, but the sweet cinnamonyness of the cup wins out. In that way, it actually really does remind of the Red Hot candies, just once the biting spicy outside coating is all gone and leaves only the cinnamon candy.

Thanks TastyBrew!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Orchid Oolong by Mighty Leaf Tea
615 tasting notes

Primarily coconut, with light florals on a dark oolong base that’s dry and just a little earthy. There’s not nearly enough orchid for this to be an orchid oolong.

The coconut gets a little cloying towards the bottom of the cup, and hangs nutty in the aftertaste. I like this, but I don’t love it, and I definitly don’t find this as one I could handle in large amounts (so in that way, it’s probably good that it’s only decent for about two steeps)

Thanks for the sample momo!

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drank Prince Vladimir by Kusmi Tea
615 tasting notes

So, I didn’t realise that momo had sent me the loose version of this, and Nicole had sent me the tea bags. But thank you both! I didn’t even remember having both. And then I checked my excel file to update some things and surprise!.

So this review is for a bagged cup (though really it’s just an overall babble). I went back a corrected my initial review for as it was for the loose version. So yeah. I’m as scatter brained with my tea as I am in real life. So that’s refreshing.

Now that I’m on my fourth cup of this in total (not tonight, no worries), I’ve found it’s really grown on me. The cloves and orange just scream autumn and it’s really a balanced cup overall. The vanilla is complementary and smooths the whole thing out. There’s nothing revolutionary here, but it’s just a solid cup of tea. And sometimes that’s all you need.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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If I didn’t know I was drinking guayusa, I wouldn’t have guessed. There’s definitely a green, earthy undertone, but it doesn’t have any sort of punch. This is more like drinking a creamy vanilla bean concoction.

Once this is steeped, it smells like mint ice cream — very creamy vanilla with bright spearmint notes. The taste isn’t nearly so minty as the smell suggested, but is equally mint and vanilla. And without knowing there is lavender in here, it’s really easy to write off the mellowing effect it has on something else, as the taste is really — and I mean really — subtle.

This tea has a really calming, relaxing component from the lavender, but the guayusa is a great pick me up. I would love taking time out of a busy day to drink this, because now I’m sitting here extremely zen, but bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Thank you KallieBoo! for the sample of this!

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Coconut Oolong by DAVIDsTEA
615 tasting notes

Thank you for sending some of this my way Courtney!

I really enjoyed this cup (even though I’m lame and let it cool to tepid on the counter before I remembered I had made it). It’s a really balanced combination of floral, nutty and sweet coconutty. It’s a little heavy and almost brothy cup, but surprisingly not too buttery. But while not buttery, there is a really pleasant mild creaminess! The coconut isn’t an in-your-face suntan lotion kind of coconut, but more of a natural coconut feeling. Like if I were drinking my tea out of a coconut shell.

I’m really surprised (and happy) about this cup! Thank you!

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This was another sample I got from BrewTEAlly Sweet (thanks!)

I think they must have changed this one since the extremely negative reviews, as they all seem to be 3-4 years ago. I had still braced myself for the worst, though.

This was a clove heavy cup with the subtle sweetness of licorice and a very slight watery apple/orange flavor. It’s not really anything outstanding (but actually fairly decent for a tea bag) but I don’t see anything here really to hate either.

Fiancé liked this quite a good deal more than me, so he’ll be finishing the last couple bags :)


Just bought a tin of this on an impulse buy at Whole Foods andi would agree with you that it’s not a bad cup of tea. I was surprised to see all the older negative posts just now. I thought it was rather pleasant but I probably wouldn’t go out of my way to buy it again. Of course I now have nearly 50 bags to use up!

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With my last order from Blue Raven, I received a bunch of small (1 cup or so) samples, but I couldn’t find this one on here or in their store so I thought I’d throw it up here!

Anyway, it was labelled Sunshine Oolong and is supposed to be a yuzu berry flavored oolong.

It’s a rolled green oolong base with big pale yellow flowers that don’t look (or taste) like marigold, but it’s hard to tell with there only being a cup or so of tea here. It smells fresh, citrusy and a little green. As it steeps it becomes very citrus fragrant, and not unlike cutting into a fresh grapefruit.

As far as taste goes, there is a surprising strong floral component. I actually think the flowers are chrysanthemum because that’s the closest taste equivalent I can come up with. It’s a tart grape fruity citrus flavor with a sweet orange element that hits at the back of my mouth. This might be the closest you could come to eating yuzu without actually eating it!

The oolong base was buttery and green with just a little floral component of its own (delicately orchid, but not in conflict with the dominant floral flavor). I got 4 pretty solid steeps out of this, but by the last one it was very much floral and oolong and not yuzu. Still! I would probably by more of thiis for the summer months if I could. I would imagine this would be amazing iced, or with a splash of orange juice! Yum!


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drank Peppermint Patty by Butiki Teas
615 tasting notes

What a simple, but effective pairing!

This isn’t a chill, cooling peppermint, but a sweet, warm peppermint that reminds me of a Girl Scout Thin Mint! The chocolate chips didn’t seem to melt very well, but there is a sweet chocolate flavor in the cup. And it’s so creamy!

Just yum! Thanks Short Sorceress!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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This is an insanely sweet dessert tea. It’s gooey butter cakeyness with carmelized sugar and sweet pineapple creeping in on the tail fo the sip.

This is tasty, but I wish there was more pineapple goodness to be had. As it stands this is an awesome cake tea, but misses the mark on pineapple upside down cake. (I’d still consider picking this up, though).

Thanks KallieBoo!!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Pretty sure my feed isn’t working here, but oh well.

This was a sad sipdown, but I appreciated the chance to try it (Thanks KallieBoo!). This is just a really clean, buttery, sweet green tea. It brightened a grey day a little bit even!


175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Whispering Pines Tea Company

Wow! That’s the one with bancha…that’s over a year old! Awesome that it still tasted good! :)

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Name: Lauren
Location: Wisconsin (previously a Chicago girl)
Occupation: Student by day and super hero by night
Super Hero? Yep!
Which One? I can’t tell you that! Secret identities and such. Just know I’m not the hero they want, but the hero they need.
Sidekicks: Fiance and two budgies, Skitter and Gandalf


Reading, writing, cooking, video games, computers, drawing, crafting, papercraft. Oh and tea.

A brief history:

I grew up in a family where the only working coffee maker was in my dad’s office. So the name of the game for my mother and I quickly became (bagged) tea. In 2004/2005, I discovered Adagio Teas. I don’t remember how it happened, or why I decided to pursue a purchase but here we are. I haven’t looked back.

My tea tastes have changed over time and I’ve moved from liking solely flavored teas (mostly black and white) to enjoying Darjeelings primarily, though malty unflavored blacks, fresh tasting greens, and lightly oxidized oolongs come in pretty high on my list, too. Of course, I still enjoy a good cup of flavored tea. I prefer caffeinated teas, as I have a horrible caffeine addiction that I don’t plan on kicking any time soon.

Red rooibos and lapsang souchong (or other strongly smoky teas) are my arch nemeses and I will see them defeated and removed by force from my cupboard. Like all thing, there are exceptions, but I assume they’re guilty until proven innocent.

I really don’t like negatively rating things, because I feel like if you don’t have something nice to say, you probably shouldn’t say it. But in the interest of non-biased tea reviews I’m going to give it a shot. I view every tea as a potential adventure so I’ll try most things at least once.

I love trading and swaps are always welcome! Please note, though, what it in my cupboard includes amounts ranging from a couple cups to 4 ounces or more, so please PM me to find out if what you’re seeking is available in that trade amount.

According to my spreadsheet, I also have about 100 other 1-4 cup samples that are not in my cupboard.. Feel free to message if you’re interested in see the spreadsheet for possible swap options as well.

Tea Ratings:

100-95 Nectar of the teagods that has been bestowed upon my unworthy tongue. I will never let this tin run empty.

86-94 These are the teas I would like to keep regularly stocked, but sometimes life gets in the way. Lovely teas, but not quite god tier. I still get cravings for these.

74-85 Good teas, but not amazing. I enjoy these, but may or may not restock once they run out. I would still recommend these to others.

60-73 Not bad. I’ll gladly keep drinking my cup, and wouldn’t say no if someone offered me this tea. I probably won’t rebuy these as there is likely something else that is comparable and better.

47-59 Certainly drinkable and might even have some characteristics that I enjoy, but I won’t pick it up again

30-46 I’ll probably finish my cup, but this tea isn’t to my taste OR it’s just overwhemingly mediocre. Life’s too short for bad tea.

11-29 This cup is in the sink now and I will never willingly consume this again. If you see a tea rated this way, I probably followed it with mouthwash.

0-10 Please say a prayer for the cup I destroyed in the process of disposing of this tea in the quickest manner possible. I may need tea therapy before I drink a similar tea again.


Wisconsin, US



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