615 Tasting Notes
Tea #32 from HHTTB2
I find that lychee leans too delicate a flavor to really pair with a base like this, and tend to prefer it in oolongs and greens. While this still isn’t my favorite lychee tea, I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed this.
I was a little wary of the Keemun base paired with this, but I didn’t get any smoke flavor from it. And the flavor, too, was more balanced than the steeped aroma let on, and actually became more and more fruity as the tea cooled. The lychee flavor is very good. Juicy, sweet, floral, with just the right amount of fruity citrus. The aftertaste definitely leans on the floral side of things, though.
Tea #31 from HHTTB2
Dry, this tea honestly doesn’t smell that different from Oatmeal Raisin Cookie tea. Both are mildly baked goods smelling, and both smell strongly of cinnamon.
The neat thing about this one is that it seriously goes all rice krispy sounding while steeping. Thanks pop rocks!
Once steeped, unless I get my nose right up into the cup, it still smells almost exactly like Oatmeal Raisin Cookie. IF I’m right up in there, it becomes more spicy cinnamon.
Even unsweetened, this is really quite sweet (thanks again, pop rocks). Once you get past the surprising amount of sweetness, it’s quite a spicy, warming cinnamon flavor that stays spicy on the tongue. Most of the black base gets overwhelmed. Overall, this is pretty much a more potent extra-cinnamon-ed version of Glitter & Gold (and just as gimmicky!) And that’s absolutely not a bad thing!
Tea #31 from HHTTB2
Musty and earthy and very slightly sweet, with a brothy mouthfeel. Some very mild astringency, with a burnt sugar finishing note.
A nice autumnal flush Darjeeling, but I definitely prefer the more delicate first and second flushes.
Tea #30 from HHTTB2
Thumbing through the reviews, I was glad to see I wasn’t the only one getting the Sencha flavor still coming through in this cup. It’s definitely a unique experience, as I’m used to that flavor being blitzed away through the roasting and replaced with something wholy different.
In any case, this tastes like heavily roasted veggies with a definite nutty and toasty quality. Vegetal, but warm and savory.
And it made me crave smashed parsnips with rosemary and garlic. Huh.
Tea #29 from HHTTB2
I’ve noticed there were a lot of rose teas in this box. At least three, anyway. That’s three more than I’ve seen in previous boxes at least.
This one has a slightly stronger base than the H&S, and the safflower imparts a little bit of savoriness to the cup. There’s also very naturally sweet, and a little candy-like. It’s pretty heavily flavored, and the aftertaste is quite perfumey. But if you like rose, it’s a very good cup.
Ahhh. Rose teas are so romantic tasting~
I always feel a bit more dreamy when I drink rose teas. What is the acronym for in your count down? Sorry if you’ve stated it elsewhere.
Here’s Hoping Traveling Tea Box (Round 2). I think I only used it on the first tea, because I realized it would be a pain to do each time. :)
Sweeet! I’ve seen a couple threads about that for Canada and thinking about joining it! Seems like a lot of fun.
But back to rose teas: swoon oh how romantic!
Definitely a good time! And a good chance to try a lot of teas you wouldn’t otherwise think to.
But yeah, rose is pretty much the only floral type that will put me in instant candlelit bubble bath and chocolate mood.
I love rose teas!!! I can’t seem to review this tea without remarking about how it takes me to a different time.
OKOKOK. I’ve written this many times, but the way I was served this at St. Nicolas Russian Orthodox Church by the Priest was with sour cherry jam. A big whollop of jam and a spoon. You sip the tea and nibble the jam. It’s delicious.
Tea #28 from HHTTB2
I could pretty much sum this up with ‘Meh.’
It’s thin, and mildly bitter. Has some astringency. The vanilla is mild and hits on the roof of my mouth in the beginning of the sip. Whe strawberry is pretty fair, sweet and not artificial tasting, but it’s faint and not enough to compensate.
Edit: I gave Fiance my cup to finish. His first evaluation was ‘This is pretty inoffensive.’ Followed up with ‘Oh. Actually this is quite pleasant.’ So to each their own, I guess.
Tea #27 from HHTTB2
Let’s talk a minute about Wisconsin. You know, the state with the highest percentage of binge drinkers in the US. There’s also over 130 breweries just kind of chilling here. We’re not alcoholics , we’re professionals.
So, a beer-inspired tea is right up my alley and I’ve been dancing around the idea of trying this one for a while. I was really excited when it popped up in the tea box.
Once steeped, the tea has a primary bready/baked smell with juicy peaches. Like a peach oatmeal or unsweetened peach tarts. As far as taste goes, this is a very good peach tea! The Cascade hops definitely adds a slightly bitter herbaceous note with citrus accents that really pairs well with the peach. The peach is juicy, ripe and real peach tasting. And the base does have a malty quality, while still being quite light (but not thin). It becomes sweeter and juicier as the cup cools, as well. The aftertaste is mostly peach, with just a hint of lingering hops.
I really would like to make this into a tea syrup and make a fizzy beverage out of this!
Surprising for me (I’m French) : to me Wisconsin is a state where a town was named Eau Claire (!)…which means in English clear water…and you have the highest rate of binge drinkers ? Funny :)
Peach Hoppitea is a very very good & surprising tea even for me who don’t like beer.
Clear water? You mean vodka, right? (I know sarcasm doesn’t translate well, so I figure I’ll point out I’m kidding)
I’m kidding. But yeah. Wisco has lead in binge drinking (since the CDC has actually started classifying it) and drunk driving for a while now. Quite the legacy there.
How does one make a tea syrup? Because OMG that would be amazing. So many flavored teas would make great sodas!
Kinda like a simple syrup only with tea in place of the water. :) I typically go 3x strength on the leaves and do equal portions tea and sugar. Then add 1-2 tablespoons of that to 12oz soda water. It’s soooo good.
Tea #26 from HHTTB2
There is a lot going on in my cup. And it’s all good.
There’s the sweetness of molasses, light florals, the silky rich butteriness of olive oil, and mild cocoa notes and just a little yeasty/bready.
The finish is really clean, with very little aftertaste.
There is nothing here not to like. Yum.
Tea #25 from HHTTB2
Everything I’ve had from Whispering Pines has totally reminded me of nature and connecting to it and I LOVE it!
All the little safflower pieces in my infuser totally looked like reddy orange feathers floating on a pond in sunrise. It’s unbelievably pretty.
Safflower is the dominant flavor, with it’s savory but slightly sweet earthy flavor. The elderberries lend themselves to the tail of the sip, making it end on a lovely sweet-tart note. This is a really relaxing cup. Definitely a tranquil nighttime kind of blend.
Tea #24 from HHTTB2
I could eat pumpkin pie all year. It’s so good. It’s like pumpkin custard in a delicious flaky happiness.
So, this tea. It’s a really nice pumpkin spice tea, but not so much pumpkin pie. But the pumpkin is there, which is amazing!I served it with an ounce of milk and a tsp of sugar and it does absolutely benefit from their addition. It doesn’t really help it embrace a pie-ness, but it makes it so warming and comforting.
Fall teas make me sad winter is coming.
And the whole Winter is Coming thing totally just reminds me of how stoked I am that Fiance has finally caught up in A Song of Ice and Fire and I have someone to discuss fan theories with. Yeeeeeeeeees!!