There is so much to be said about this tea!
First is that it is amazing and second, don’t steep it for the full three minutes. I can safely say two is fine and the flavor is just as poetic.
I have been enjoying this beauty while out at sea and have had numerous compliments on how the scent of this tea while steeping in my little French press has over-powered the space, in a good way. And it is a tea that desires no sugars nor milk and I am a sucker for both. In one brewing I even got whole flowers to watch dance around in the steeping process!
The liquid is a cadmium dark with a hint of ocher (for you painter types) when steeped properly. It never transitions into what I consider a traditional tea brown. The taste? Sweet and floral. I think I get the bergamot and some have said lemongrass too although it is not listed in the notes. And it is safe to say, Historie Tibtaine is a ‘gateway’ tea as it inspired several of my co-workers to purchase tea cups of their own to join me in my Buddha moment. The tea possesses flavours of bergamot, flowers, vanilla and jasmine as per the Urban Merchant Website.