Phew, what a night! I make my breakfast smoothies the night prior and store them in the fridge, and tonight while doing so the plastic of my blender caraffe cracked and red strawberry smoothie guts splattered all over my kitchen, looking very Halloween-horror-scene-appropriate. I, however, wasn’t quite so amused. Not only did I have to clean my kitchen, but I had to get dressed again, go back out after I’d settled in for the night, and buy a new blender stat to have my fruity matcha goodness in the morning. I am in the middle of an 11,000 book re-labeling project at work, and that was the last thing I needed to come home to!
So, no more drama for the night. Need relaxing tea! Had a few DAVIDsTEA caffeine-free samplers lying around — this one had coconut, so I immediately ripped it open and checked it to see if it was still steepable or would be trashed. Nibbled a slice of coconut. Tasted okay. Didn’t smell foul. Okay, will go with this one. Too tired to heat milk, so it’s just a plain ol’ hot cuppa.
The aroma smells very pleasant… definitely not that “instant badness” coconut smell I got from that Mighty Leaf Coconut Assam freebie teabag not long ago, but rich, sweet coconut, and lots of warming spices… cinnamon, cardamom, perhaps a hint of ginger and pepper peeking through on the nose as well? The flavor is very nice… The coconut adds a bit of sweetness to the spices, which just feel so warm and comforting tonight, and while the last rooibos I had from DAVIDsTEA (Pumpkin Cheesecake) tasted very medicinal/woody to me, this one does not; it’s very smooth and I’m getting more of a nutty/honeyed flavor from the base.
This is the sort of cuppa that helps make up for a shit night. Warm, comforting, relaxing.
Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Coconut, Ginger, Honey, Nutty, Pepper, Smooth, Spices, Sweet
I had a bit I had lifeboated out of the broken blender into a glass, but it wasn’t even enough for breakfast since so much had ended up all over my kitchen. Yet, I didn’t want it to go to waste, so I figured if I could dump it back into a (working) blender, I could add a few more ingredients and salvage it, hahaha.
Going out immediately to buy a blender?! That’s some smoothie dedication! LOL!
I had a bit I had lifeboated out of the broken blender into a glass, but it wasn’t even enough for breakfast since so much had ended up all over my kitchen. Yet, I didn’t want it to go to waste, so I figured if I could dump it back into a (working) blender, I could add a few more ingredients and salvage it, hahaha.
(Envisioning the adventure in slo-mo and chuckling just a little bit. I’m sure it wasn’t funny.)