Day 5 from the Dammann Freres Advent Calendar
When I saw it was a green tea I almost skipped it. I don’t like the grassy/vegatal flavor of green teas. But I had decided on Day One that I was going to try every tea in the calendar. No skipping. If I don ‘t like it, I don’t have to finish the cup. That’s fair, right?
Well, knock me over with a feather. I like it. Not enough to put it on an order, but it was very drinkable. Even pleasant. The lime is most prominent for me, followed by the ginger. The lime/ginger combo was great together. As the cup cooled the grassy flavor came out. I popped my mug in the microwave, but it was too late. The grassy flavor remained. The next time I have a green tea I will be sure to drink it right away instead of dawdling over the cup.