This has been a MONDAY. Yes, all caps. Work has sucked today. It’s only been three hours, so maybe it can turn around. This tea helps. You know, if you like a straight, robust but mellow, smooth, yummy cuppa for the morning, this is a fantastic choice. Now go away, you stupid Operations Coordinator. You are trying to tell me how to do a job that I’ve been doing for 15 years. You’ve been here three months. You shouldn’t make a ton of changes to our policies. And if you do, you should TELL US WHAT the changes are BEFORE they go into effect. Telling me three weeks later and giving me demerits for not knowing the new policy is not going to make me happy. Moron. sips tea
Ooof! My sympathies. That is certainly a MONDAY.
Eeek. That’s not cool. He needs some tea!