Man, it’s already June and the weather in Chicago is still wonky. Seems like we never quite recovered from the brutal -50 F windchills this past winter. It’s supposed to be summer now but here I am with the furnace on and wearing a sweater. WTH?
The unexpectedly cool weather calls for a roasty tea so I pulled out this sample I received with my recent Jade Leaf teaware order. I grandpa steeped 1.2g in an 8oz glass using 195 F water. The dry leaf had an appetizing smell of chocolate, toffee, and butterscotch. Wet leaf though didn’t have much aroma, kind of had the standard roasted oolong smell.
I got busy with other stuff which gave this a chance to steep good and long. The leaves unfurled to release an incredibly smooth texture and taste of flowers and caramel. Roast was gentle without any char and lent a sweet fruitiness to the tea. It was a tad lighter than I like but that’s likely because I slightly underleafed.
An excellent medium roast oolong, perfectly roasted to give it a nice warmth and sweetness. Eager to try this gongfu next time.
Flavors: Caramel, Flowers, Heavy, Honey
^^Was just going to comment that the weather in southern Ontario is wonky too. I believe I held out without turning on the heat this time, but it’s rare in summer that the temp in the house dips below what I have the air conditioner set to (I believe it was 20 degrees in the house; a/c was at 22 at the time).
I had the heat going yesterday too (in the Toronto area). It was a cold day for June.
^^Was just going to comment that the weather in southern Ontario is wonky too. I believe I held out without turning on the heat this time, but it’s rare in summer that the temp in the house dips below what I have the air conditioner set to (I believe it was 20 degrees in the house; a/c was at 22 at the time).
I’m obviously including June in summer. Haha.