139 Tasting Notes
This morning, courtesy of Terri HarpLady, I’m very pleased to review Spring Keemun by Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea, Western style: 6 oz. / 1 tsp (2.1g) / 212*F / 5 min. without sweeteners, milk, or cream.
Leaf: Thin twisted chocolate-brown curly leaves
Fragrance: Mild Keemun
Liquor: Clear, dark amber
Aroma: Sweet Potatoes, Cocoa
Flavor: Sweet Potatoes, Cocoa
5-min: A very smooth, rich, tea with a honey-like sweetness and strong notes of sweet potatoes and cocoa. This flavor combination reminded me of sweet potato pie or pumpkin pie. There was no smoky aroma or flavor. There was zero bitterness or astringency.
6-min: A very smooth, rich, tea with a honey-like sweetness and deeper more pronounced notes of cocoa over the sweet potatoes. There was zero bitterness or astringency. I prefer the 5-min. infusion.
7-min: Moderately full body
8-min: Smooth, rich, fairly sweet and nearly as full-bodied as the initial steep.
Impression: A very smooth, rich, sweet and unique cup of Keemun. It reminded me more of a Yunnan such as Dian Hong. A very good choice for afternoon tea.
Thanks to Terri HarpLady for sending us this gracious sample.
RO water re-mineralized with an Aptera filter http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/39532-puregen-aptera-alkamag-water-filter
Brewed western-style conveniently in a tea mug with a brew basket http://steepster.com/teaware/royal-albert/45581-old-country-roses-afternoontea-mugs
Flavors: Cocoa, Honey, Sweet Potatoes
This morning, courtesy of Terri HarpLady, I’m pleased to review Tiger Assam by Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea, Western style: 8 oz / 1 tsp (2.3g) / 212*F / 4 min. without sweeteners, milk, or cream.
Leaf: Thin twisted chocolate-brown, with some gold 1 cm or < in length.
Fragrance: Mild
Liquor: Clear, amber
Aroma: Malty and sweet
Flavor: Malty with a mild sweetness
4-min: A very smooth, bold, rich, mildly sweet, malty Assam. After drinking ½ a cup of this bold Assam on an empty stomach (I know better!) I had the sense that I should eat something right away. A slice each of Wegman’s Marathon Bread and Ancient Grain Bread with Cranberries toasted with Smart Balance Heart Wise Light margarine helped. I then enjoyed two slices of Vermont Bread Co. organic soft multi-grain bread with margarine and Crofter’s Raspberry Organic spread. There was zero bitterness and a very mild sense of astringency. A rather invigorating morning cup
4-min: Smooth but not yet full-bodied, so I let it steep longer.
5-min: Light-bodied
6-min: Moderate body
7-min: Moderate body
8-min: Smooth, moderate-bodied.
Impression: A very smooth, bold, rich, and invigorating morning cup to enjoy with your breakfast. Well done!
Thanks to Terri HarpLady for sending us this gracious sample.
RO water re-mineralized with an Aptera filter http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/39532-puregen-aptera-alkamag-water-filter
Brewed western-style conveniently in a tea mug with a brew basket http://steepster.com/teaware/royal-albert/45581-old-country-roses-afternoontea-mugs
Flavors: Malt
Glad you like it. As a general rule, I can never drink Ceylon or Darjeeling teas on an empty stomach, or green, white, or puerh teas either. Sometimes I can get away with an Assam, but usually not.
I think that’s one of the reasons I love Chinese blacks so much, as they don’t usually have that effect on me.
Yes, I did. Thanks! Agreed, Chinese black teas appear to be much easier on the stomach. I’m now having a cup of Raspberry Greek yogurt to further settle my stomach.
Thanks brother! With 4 elderly parents from 85 to almost 96 years old, it’s taken awhile to rack up the first 100, but they make sure we’re not bored!
I like reading your notes. They are very precise. What do you do for living? You must be a scientist.
boychik, My experience focused on preventing cardiovascular disease as opposed to physicians who routinely save lives.
This morning, courtesy of Aubrey at Arbor Teas, I’m pleased to review the 2013 Organic Makaibari Estate Darjeeling 2nd Flush USDA Organic black tea, Western style: 8 oz / 1.25 tsp (2.0g) / 212*F / 3-5 min. without sweeteners, milk, or cream.
Leaf: Thin twisted dark chocolate-brown, chocolate-brown, green and gold 2 cm or < in length.
Fragrance: Reminds me of hay with hints fine pipe tobacco
Liquor: Brilliant, clear, amber
Aroma: Muscatel!
Flavor: Muscatel!
3-min: A very smooth, light-bodied black tea. There was no bitterness or astringency. I let it steep another min.
4-min: A very smooth, medium-bodied black tea. There was no bitterness or astringency. I let it steep another min.
5-min: A very smooth, oh, so smooth, rich muscatel black tea. This is not as robust as a full-bodied Assam or Keemun, but you wouldn’t expect it to be as it is a Darjeeling! The muscatel white grape flavor lingers long on the tongue gently dancing – like butterflies flitting around on a cluster of blooms. There was zero bitterness or astringency. Oh, this is good! It brings a smile to my face – literally!
6-min: Smooth & light-bodied w/o bitterness or astringency. I let it steep for another 4 min.
10-min: Smooth light-bodied w/o bitterness or astringency.
Impression: A very smooth, rich, and highly enjoyable organic Darjeeling with a potent natural muscatel aroma and flavor. Very well done! Highly recommended!
Thanks to Aubrey at Arbor Teas for including this gracious sample with my recent order.
RO water re-mineralized with an Aptera filter http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/39532-puregen-aptera-alkamag-water-filter
Brewed western-style conveniently in a tea mug with a brew basket http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/29177-finum-brewing-basket.
Thank you my friend! When the tea is this enjoyable, inspiration comes standard and the review nearly writes itself!
I love a great Orthodox black tea to get me going each day. This morning, courtesy of Aubrey at Arbor Teas, I’m pleased to be the first to review a new Kenya USDA Organic black tea, Western style: 8 oz / 1 tsp (2.4g) / 212*F / 3-5 min. without sweeteners, milk, or cream.
Leaf: Dark chocolate brown thin twisted leaves < 1 cm long. (No “floor sweepings” here!)
Fragrance: Mild, reminds me of fine pipe tobacco
Liquor: Brilliant clear copper
Aroma: Mild
Flavor: Malty & earthy
3-min: A very smooth, medium-bodied black tea. There was no bitterness or astringency. I let it steep another min.
4-min: A very smooth, full-bodied, malty, earthy black tea. The earthiness gives it greater depth than a typical malty only tea. There was zero bitterness or astringency.
5 min: Smooth & light-bodied w/o bitterness or astringency.
8-min: Smooth & light to medium-bodied w/o bitterness or astringency.
Impression: A very smooth, malty, and enjoyable organic black tea. This is not your typical low-cost Kenya teabag tea. Who says, good Orthodox tea only comes from China or India. Very well done!
Thanks to Aubrey at Arbor Teas for including this gracious sample with my recent order.
RO water re-mineralized with an Aptera filter http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/39532-puregen-aptera-alkamag-water-filter
Brewed western-style conveniently in a tea mug with a brew basket http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/29177-finum-brewing-basket.
Flavors: Earth, Malt
This morning, courtesy of Aubrey at Arbor Teas, I’m very fortunate to enjoy and pleased to be the first to review a 2013 Tonganagoan Estate, 2nd flush Assam SFTGFOP1, USDA Organic, premium black tea, Western style: 8 oz / 1 tsp (1.6g) / 212*F / 3-5 min. without sweeteners, milk, or cream.
Leaf: Approximately a 50/50 mixture of dark chocolate brown twisted leaves and golden tips, both thin & thick, 1 cm long.
Fragrance: A wonderfully rich scent that reminded me of hay / straw
Liquor: Clear medium amber
Aroma: Same as fragrance but not as strong.
Flavor: Malt with hints of barley and sweet mushroom
3-min: A very smooth, moderately full-bodied, rich, complex Assam with hints of barley and sweet mushrooms. The hints of mushroom persist long on the tongue. There was no bitterness or astringency.
4-min & 5 min: Smooth & medium bodied w/no bitterness or astringency.
6-min: Smooth & fuller- bodied w/no bitterness or astringency.
Impression: A smooth, rich, unique, and intriguing organic Assam. Definitely not a typical Assam! Well done!
Thanks to Aubrey at Arbor Teas for including this gracious sample with my recent order.
RO water re-mineralized with an Aptera filter http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/39532-puregen-aptera-alkamag-water-filter
Brewed western-style conveniently in a tea mug with a brew basket http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/29177-finum-brewing-basket.
Flavors: Malt, Mushrooms
Pull quote: If you don’t have time for loose-leaf tea, this inexpensive black blend teabag, which does not live up to its marketing description, might at least prevent a caffeine-withdraw headache.
Per Twinings:“A rich & satisfying robust tea, traditionally blended with Kenyan & Assam black teas.”
This morning, I brewed Twinings English Breakfast Western style without the teabag in a Finum brewing basket: 8 oz. / 1 teabag (2.1g) / 212*F / 5 min. without sweeteners, milk, or cream.
Leaf: Chocolate brown fannings (dust, “floor sweepings”)
Fragrance: Hay / straw
Liquor: Clear dark amber-brown
Aroma: Aroma? (Perhaps a Bloodhound might smell something.)
Flavor: Malty
5-min.: A smooth, light to medium-bodied malty tea. There was no obvious bitterness or astringency. This tea is not rich, satisfying, or robust even without the teabag!
Impression: If you don’t have time for loose-leaf tea, this inexpensive black blend teabag, which does not live up to its marketing description, might at least prevent a caffeine-withdraw headache.
RO water re-mineralized with an Aptera filter http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/39532-puregen-aptera-alkamag-water-filter
Brewed western-style conveniently in a tea mug with a brew basket http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/29177-finum-brewing-basket.
Flavors: Malt
This morning, courtesy of Natalie & DAVIDsTEA, I brewed Assam Banaspaty Western style: 8 oz / 1 tsp (2.5g) / 208*F / 4-6 min. without sweeteners, milk, or cream.
Leaf: Dark chocolate brown very short leaves & CTC granules
Fragrance: Mild Assam
Liquor: Clear dark copper
Aroma: Very mild
Flavor: Moderately malty
4-min.: Medium-bodied, I then let it steep an additional min. There was no hint bitterness or astringency
5-min.: A smooth, moderately full-bodied malty tea. There was no bitterness and just a slight hint of astringency. I considered steeping an additional minute. But I had the sense that if I did, it might become obviously astringent. Towards the bottom of the cup, the astringency was more apparent in the middle of my tongue.
6-min: Medium bodied & smooth w/no bitterness or astringency.
Impression: A pleasant Assam with some astringency.
Thanks to Natalie & DAVIDsTEA for their gracious sample of this Assam tea.
RO water re-mineralized with an Aptera filter http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/39532-puregen-aptera-alkamag-water-filter
Brewed western-style conveniently in a tea mug with a brew basket http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/29177-finum-brewing-basket.
Flavors: Malt
Backlog 3/18/14:
This afternoon, courtesy of Kenneth & Zen Tea Life, I brewed Puerh Loose Leaf Gongfu style: 6 oz. / 1 heaping tsp (3.3g) / 203*F / 50s, 1 & 2 min. without sweeteners, milk, or cream.
Note: This sample is from Zen Tea Life’s previous Puerh Loose Leaf, not their currently available “Puerh Loose Leaf Organic” – http://zentealife.com/tea/type/chai-puerh.html
Leaf: Thick, dark chocolate brown of various lengths up to 2.2 cm
Fragrance: Compost / barn environment
Liquor: Clear rosey copper
Aroma: Peat moss
50 sec.: Clear, clean, pleasant, light to medium-bodied and smooth without any off-putting strong flavors, astringency, or bitterness.
1-min.: Darker rose-tinted copper with the same flavor profile that provided a medium-bodied earthiness.
2-min.: Slightly lighter bodied.
3/25/14: Gongfu style: 6 oz. / 10 g / 203*F / 50s, 1 & 2 min.
Mrmopar suggested I increase the leaf to 10 grams for shou puerh. The increased leaf provided a much fuller-bodied and much more enjoyable aged puerh. However, as a novice puerh tea drinker, it didn’t occur to me at the time to decrease the brewing times accordingly. As a result, this gong fu session was a little too strong.
Impression: An enjoyable, smooth, earthy, aged pu-erh without any astringency, bitterness, or off-putting flavors.
Thanks to Kenneth & Zen Tea Life for this gracious sample.
RO water re-mineralized with an Aptera filter http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/39532-puregen-aptera-alkamag-water-filter
Brewed gongfu-style
with http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/29177-finum-brewing-basket placed in the pitcher
Backlog 3/25/14: This morning, courtesy of Natalie & DAVIDsTEA, I brewed Nepal Black Western style: 8 oz / 1.25 tsp (2.3g) / 205*F / 4-6 min. without sweeteners, milk, or cream.
I was truly looking forward to reviewing this year’s Nepal Black as I was very impressed with last year’s crop.
Note: The brewing instructions have changed since 4/10/13 when I last reviewed this tea: 1.5 tsp. / 208*F / 4-5 min.
Leaf: Both fine & thick, twisted, dark chocolate brown with some amber, mostly short, with several as long as 3.5 mm
Fragrance: Mild notes of pipe tobacco
Liquor: Clear medium copper
Aroma: Mild earthy
Flavor: Malty
4-min.: Moderately full-bodied, I then let it steep an additional min.
5-min.: A rich, smooth, full-bodied malty tea with a hint of cocoa and a mild sweetness. Unfortunately, the obvious honey aroma & flavor of last year’s crop is not apparent this year. There was no hint of bitterness or astringency.
6-min: Not yet full-bodied.
7-min: Same
8-min: Same
9-min: Same
10-min: Same – Did not re-steep well – light to medium bodied at best.
Compared to last year’s crop:
“*Re-steep*: 5-min: Truly as good as the first cup – Excellent!
2nd Re-steep – 6-min: Nearly as good & still enjoyable! After three cups, there is a wonderful delicate natural sweetness that lingers long on the tongue. Well done!”
Today, 4/1/14, I brewed another cup – 8 oz / 1.5 tsp (3g) / 205*F / 5 min.:
The increased leaf (same as recommended last year) produced a more rounded full-bodied enjoyable cup. However, the honey flavor is still not present and the increased leaf did not significantly improve the re-steep flavor/body.
Impression: This year’s Nepal Black is not the equal of last year’s crop.
Thanks to Natalie & DAVIDsTEA for their gracious sample of this very fine Nepal Black.
RO water re-mineralized with an Aptera filter http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/39532-puregen-aptera-alkamag-water-filter
Brewed western-style conveniently in a tea mug with a brew basket http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/29177-finum-brewing-basket.
Flavors: Malt
This morning, courtesy of Angel Chen & TeaVivre, I brewed Organic Nonpareil Ming Qian Dragon Well Long Green Tea Western style: 7g / 8 oz / 176*F / rinse, 1, 2, 3 min. without sweeteners, milk, or cream. (This sample packet contained 7.1 g.)
Intro: I’ve been enjoying black tea all my life. To date, my green tea experience has been limited to Gunpowder Green tea. Yesterday, I enjoyed my first ever cup of Organic Superfine Dragon Well Long Jing. It will be interesting to see how these two Dragon Well Long Green Teas compare.
Leaf: Beautiful whole leaves: 2.5 cm long x 5mm wide & flat – not as large as the Superfine.
Fragrance: A pleasant green tea fragrance that is hard to describe given my experience as a black tea drinker.
Liquor: Light gold
Aroma: Very sweet
1 min.: Wow! TeaVivre’s Organic Nonpareil Ming Qian Dragon Well Long Jing is so very smooth and rich. It’s like a slightly salty, sweet butter with mild savory notes. The buttery smoothness persists on the palate. There is no hint of astringency, bitterness, or off-putting strong vegetal flavors all the way to the bottom of the cup. I’m very impressed with this excellent green tea.
2 min.: The 2nd cup also tastes like the first with just slightly less butter & slightly stronger savory notes. There’s no hint of astringency, bitterness, or off-putting strong vegetal flavors.
3-min.: Very similar flavor profile to the previous cups with slightly less body. Like the 1st & 2nd steeps, there’s no hint of astringency, bitterness, or off-putting strong vegetal flavors.
Impressions: This is the elegant, understated, more refined version of Dragon Well Long Jing green tea and should not to be missed – highly recommended! The similar Organic Superfine Dragon Well Long Jing is half the cost, and thus, a very good value: http://www.teavivre.com/organic-green-tea/.
Thanks to Angel Chen and TeaVivre for their gracious sample of this superb tea!
RO water re-mineralized with an Aptera filter http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/39532-puregen-aptera-alkamag-water-filter
Brewed western-style conveniently in a tea mug with a brew basket http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/29177-finum-brewing-basket.
It didn’t taste like a kemmun to me either. I liked it fine, but I didn’t LOVE it. And I agree – more of an afternoon tea.