Origin: China / Serving: 2.8 grams per cup / Temp. 100*C / Steeping Time 2-5 Min.
“What a whiskey will not cure, there’s no cure for!” Same goes for this Irish-strength black tea blend.
A very strong and bold black tea blend, with pronounced earthiness and maltiness. Recommended at a long steep, with milk and sugar to bring out the flavors, this is a real winner in the mornings. The smaller leaf grades allow for greater caffeine infusion into the water. A good coffee replacement."
“Directions: 2 min without milk, 5+ min with milk”
“Ingredients: Tea (Camelia Sinensis)”
Canada Organic – Biologique Canada:
Technique: Tea mug with Finum brew basket. 8-oz water with total dissolved solids (TDS) of 26 ppm, heated to 212*F. 2.8 grams (My Weigh Durascale D2 660) No sweeteners, milk or cream were added.
Fragrance: Fruity
Dry leaf: Small granular-shaped pieces moderately dark brown and reddish-brown leaves
Infused Leaf: Dark Amber
2-min.: A full-bodied tea with a fruity aroma and malty undertones. I can see why only 2 min. infusion w/o milk is recommended. At the end of the sip there is a bit of bitterness that briefly lingers on the tongue. This is a strong tea. You may not wish to drink it on an empty stomach.
2-min Re-steep: Same flavor & character as the first cup w/o the bitterness.
2nd Cup: same as above except: 2.8 g/ 8 oz. / *185*F* / 2 min
This is now a full-bodied tea with a fruity aroma and malty undertones without any obvious bitterness. “Now we’re talking!”
Impression: A full-bodied, invigorating, organic breakfast tea. “Not for the faint of heart.”
Thanks to Safiya Motala and Shanti Teas for kindly providing this generous free sample.
Correction: The original description at the top of this review was for the previous Shanti Tea I reviewed (Ancient Forest Black). The correct Shanti Tea website description has been now been added.
Sounds like this tea is right up my alley!
Correction: The original description at the top of this review was for the previous Shanti Tea I reviewed (Ancient Forest Black). The correct Shanti Tea website description has been now been added.
Ancient Forest Black, awesome name!
Sil, add Shanti to our list, LOL :)