2 Tasting Notes
My coworkers and I brought our least favorite teas to work to share with each other in the break room (on the theory that some people will really enjoy teas that others despise – a theory which the reviews of this tea bear out really well!).
I loved this tea! I note that other reviewers thought that the pomegranate flavoring overwhelmed the green tea. For me, this was a plus. I’m not a huge fan of the taste of green tea. I prefer black or white tea to green tea. To me, green tea has always tasted a bit like steeped fescue (a type of grass that is widely used to seed our lawns in the USA).
So, as far as I’m concerned, this is the kind of tea I look for when I look for green tea. It’s definitely a green tea, and you definitely don’t taste the green tea. It tastes more like a fruit tea, which is what I like about the flavor.
I could see myself drinking more green tea, as long as it tastes like this one.
For those who hated this tea – just take it to work with you and leave it in the break room for your coworkers. Doubtless one of them will fall in love with it, like I did.
This is one of my favorite loose teas. I am not sure if it is available in a tea bag option, but if you don’t mind using a tea ball strainer, you can get at least 3 or 4 good infusions (i.e. separate cups of tea) from one scoop of this tea. All of Tealightful Treasures teas are high quality loose teas, and none yield less than 3 good infusions. I don’t steep my tea very long, however. I just dip the ball strainer up and down until the liquid turns a deep golden brown, then I set the strainer aside and drink my tea with a little milk or half and half. I’m not sure of the exact temperature, but the instructions on the package recommend bringing the water to a full boil before you add the tea, and the recommended steeping time is 5 to 7 minutes. I’m probably a 1 to 2 minute steeper, generally. I don’t like to steep long, because I enjoy getting more than one cup out of my leaves. :)