I’ve been craving a simple and easy orange pekoe for iced tea lately, and didn’t feel that I needed to invest in a quality brand since I’m going to be drinking it almost like water. I got a bag of 100 bags for 2.50, so this definitely fit the price point.
Flavour wise, nothing spectacular, but it isn’t bad either. It met my expectations.
Off topic, who else is on Pinterest? I’d love to connect over there :)
I’m on pinterest! my username is aedon2 Just be sure to remind me your a steepster buddy and I’ll add you :D
The SororiTea Sisters is on Pinterest, although, I must admit that I have not been there for at least a month probably longer. :( Just been busy with other stuff.
oo I’m on Pinterest! It’s crazy addicting. Addictive? Anyways, here is moi http://pinterest.com/daisychubb/
I’m on pinterest! my username is aedon2 Just be sure to remind me your a steepster buddy and I’ll add you :D
The SororiTea Sisters is on Pinterest, although, I must admit that I have not been there for at least a month probably longer. :( Just been busy with other stuff.
oo I’m on Pinterest! It’s crazy addicting. Addictive? Anyways, here is moi http://pinterest.com/daisychubb/
Woot! I’ve added all three of you. I’m librariantee.
I am!
Ashmanra, are you under the same name over there?