Since today I had the time and patience, I finally decided to play with the gaiwan I got a few weeks ago. I’ve never tried one before so rather than attempt with a green or oolong I went with a black, knowing it’d be harder to mess it up.
This tea was a great way to introduce myself into using the gaiwan. I used one of the sealed packages that Teavivre so generously sent me many of, and then added my boiling spring water and let it steep!
First steep was 2.5 minutes. The tea was very strong and dark, and as it cooled changed between multiple flavours. First sips were definitely almost too strong for me and I barely resisted adding sugar. I’m glad I did though because soon a really nice malt flavour came in, one that I really enjoyed. The last few sips were almost sweet, which really made me curious what my second steeps would bring me.
Second steep was again boiling, this time for 3 minutes. The tea was much lighter this time, and I really really enjoyed this steep. The malt and sweet blended for me to be delightful and I can see why so many of you love this tea!
Third steep was again boiling for another 3 minutes. This was like a slightly lighter version of steep two. I again loved it. I didn’t try a fourth steep though because I was pretty sure the leaves weren’t going to love me through another shot.
Overall a lovely strong sweet tea that I look forward to trying again, next time in western style!