I’m almost a little happy to discover I still don’t like this tea, because that means it gets to go to a good home with Indigobloom and get out of my cupboard! This was in the first batch of teas I ordered online from DT before I knew what I like and what I didn’t. I’ve since discovered that I don’t really care for Pu-erhs. But I adore cinnamon hearts, so I thought I’d give this a go.
It does taste like cinnamon hearts, yes, but more like cinnamon hearts I dropped in the backyard, brushed off, and ate anyway. I remember buying this and trying their Cinnamon Chai Rooibos around the same time and wishing this tea tasted like that tea. I remember mixing them at one point, but it just didn’t work. The pu-erh is too off-putting for me. I’ve always felt guilty about this one because I fought to get it in the cart, as the wife hates cinnamon flavored things. Now I feel good knowing it’s going to someone who will truly appreciate it. Enjoy!
Edit: I only drank about half of my cup, but I’m feeling lightheaded and shaky and flushed…I don’t know if it was this tea that did it, but it’s worth noting. I have eaten today and the most strenuous thing I’ve done is chop potatoes.
awww it will indeed have a good home!! thanks Ladykittykat :)
—if there is anything you want in return please let me know!
I’m just happy to give this to someone who likes it .