I have the feeling that this tea will be similar to the Management, but I’m really hoping not.
Sidenote, I have my window open and someone nearby is frying fish, so now I’m dying for fish and chips. Dying.
Anyway! First sip: Yup, this is a tea for the wife, as I’m not too keen on it. It doesn’t make me want to run away screaming like Management did, but it’s still not great. The roasted mate is a saving grace for this one. You can really smell tobacco as it gets near your nose, and then you can taste it as well in the aftertaste. As an ex-smoker, I find it both delicious and revolting and I want a cigarette now. Badly.
So, uh…don’t try this if you’re trying to quit. Yeah, after a few more sips, this is all I can think about. It tastes like drinking a cup of tea right after smoking a cigarette. Or improperly stored tea from a smoker’s home. Which…if the Sheriff’s Secret Police kept tea in their headquarters, this is what I imagine it would taste like. So spot on tea, but it’s not for me.