It came! Our RiverTea order came! I squeaked at the poor postman, I was so excited. The packaging is so adorable, I immediately fell in love. They also put these little stickers on top of the wrapping for each box of teas, and since we ordered enough to get two boxes, one sticker read “For Rita” and the other “For Rita’s wife”. So cute! But the packaging is so beautiful and the stickers so sweet that I actually cried when I opened the box. And then when I found the little gift in each box…so sweet. I immediately started smelling the teas and a few of them smelled so good that I actually moaned out loud. (Dolce Vita, I’m looking at you)
ANYWAY, onto the tea. I could smell this tea from outside the box, so of course I had to try it first! I am a huge fan of everything spearmint, but most blends use peppermint, which I really don’t like. I know, I’m weird. But this smelled like the spearmint that used to grow in my mom’s backyard that she would use in sun tea every summer. It also smells like DoubleMint gum, to the point that my mouth began watering.
I brewed it carefully using medium heat and my standard steep time of two minutes (And two lumps of sugar, also my standard). It tastes…well, it tastes like a spearmint oolong! I love the fullness of the oolong with the smooth spearmint wrapping around it. Mmmmm. It is so, so good and I can see this becoming my go-to when it comes to a post-big-meal tummy soother. Or, you know, any time I want to feel happy :D.
Now the real question: Do I resteep the leaves to see how they hold up, or do I try something new?
Both. Definitely both.
The resteep (steeped for 4 minutes) was weak and not nearly as good, but that’s fine for me. I’m not a resteeper anyway.
Yes! This one is amazing!