It’s quiet. Too quiet. Weird. Am I the only one up or is Steepster down again? I wanted tea to go with my Newtons. I was too unconscious for fancy steeping, so I grabbed this one. It comes in a bag inside a paper envelope. I love my loose white and green teas but you know what? My taster doesn’t seem to know the difference when it comes to Ceylon and Assams. I’m perfectly happy with this. It is medium bodied and tastes fruity. It is only slightly bitter. Would take milk well. Not a bad start to my day and it tasted good with Newtons.
They were Fig Newtons and Great Value brand. Like the tea bag, I can’t tell the difference. Never had the apple. The strawberry is good.
Glad all you sleepyheads could sleep in. I went to bed at midnight and was back up at 5:30. Sheesh!
Fig or apple?
I’m up now! Haha I was trying to sleep in a bit today:)
I just woke up…yawn…waiting for the water to boil…
They were Fig Newtons and Great Value brand. Like the tea bag, I can’t tell the difference. Never had the apple. The strawberry is good.
Glad all you sleepyheads could sleep in. I went to bed at midnight and was back up at 5:30. Sheesh!
Our kitchen is about 50-50 Great Value these days and the percentage is rapidly edging upward.